UNSPWG General Meeting this Monday. Learn about the events we are planning for the second half of the semester and the process…

LASA’s Annual Conference will take place this Friday, September, 27. A full day of debates about pressing issues of the region.

In this talk Dr. Mostashari will explore the challenges and potentials for technology to transform development in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and lower middle income…

In celebration of International Women’s Day, please join us for “Women in Peace, Security and Development: A Conversation with Inspiring Women Leaders at the UN.”…

This week the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee began its 10th session. Mr. Wolfgang Stefan Heinz was elected the Committee’s new chairperson,. Below are some of the…

Join the Humanitarian Affairs Working Group (HAWG) for a conversation with Frank Vogl, Co-Founder of Transparency International and author of the new book Waging War…
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