Technology Transforming Development: a discussion with Dr. Ali Mostashari
In this talk Dr. Mostashari will explore the challenges and potentials for technology to transform development in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and lower middle income developing countries (LMIC), in particular with rregards to applications in healthcare, energy and food production. He will further analyze the organizational and cultural obstacles in the widespread adoption of technologies as a means of development in bi-lateral and multi-lateral development organizations.
Here is a bio that might be useful: Dr. Ali Mostashari is the Director of the Sociotechnical Systems Program and the Director of Center for Complex Adaptive Sociotechnological Systems (COMPASS) at Stevens Institute of Technology, where he also serves as an Associate Professor at the School of Systems and Enterprises. From 2004-2008, Dr. Mostashari served as a strategic resource manager and advisor to the Assistant Secretary General for Africa at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). He was delegated an oversight and performance management function for over $1.1 billion in annual development project portfolio in Africa and served as the regional bureau representative in various strategic initiatives at UNDP, including the Strategic Plan 2008-2011, the Enterprise Risk Management initiative, the Results-Based Management working group, the Balanced Scorecard working group and many others. From 2004-2006 Ali served as the LEAD Project Manager for the UNDP ARMADA Initiative, that increased development project delivery in the continent from $380 million to over $922 million within two years.
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