
Pt.10 – FCC Workshop on Network Resiliency, Brooklyn Law School, Feb 6, 2013. Topic: Smart Grid Thinking, Innervation, and Infrastructure Threats



  1. Z. Ding, M. K. Turkcan, and A. Boulanger (December 2018) Using an Ancillary Neural Network to Capture Weekends and Holidays in an Adjoint Neural Network Architecture for Intelligent Building Management,  arXiv Prepr arXiv190206778.
  2. P. Dutta, A. Boulanger, R. Anderson, L. Wu (2015) An innovative approach to vehicle electrification for smart cities, Handbook of Research on Social, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability in the Development of Smart Cities, doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8282-5.ch010
  3. Jigar Shah, Matthew Nielsen, Andrew Reid, Conner Shane, Kirk Mathews, David Doerge, Richard Piel, Roger Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Leon Wu, Vaibhav Bhandari, Ashish Gagneja, Arthur Kressner, Xiaohu Li, Somnath Sarkar (2014) Cost-optimal, robust charging of electrically-fueled commercial vehicle fleets via machine learning, 2014 IEEE International Systems Conference Proceedings, p. 65-71, IEEE, url, doi:10.1109/SysCon.2014.6819237
  4. Roger Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Vaibhav Bhandari, Jessica Forde, Ashish Gagneja, Arthur Kressner, Ashwath Rajan, Vivek Rathod, Doug Riecken, David Solomon, others (2014) Di-BOSS: Research, Development & Deployment of the World’s First Digital Building Operating System, Automated Diagnostics and Analytics for Buildings, p. 109-125, Fairmont Press, chapter url, book url
  5. Promiti Dutta, Albert Boulanger (2014) Game theoretic approach to offering participation incentives for electric vehicle-To-Vehicle charge sharing, 2014 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo: Components, Systems, and Power Electronics – From Technology to Business and Public Policy, ITEC 2014, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., url
  6. Leon Wu, Roger N Anderson, Albert G Boulanger, Cynthia Rudin, Gail E Kaiser (2014) Failure Analysis of the New York City Power Grid, Columbia University Academic Commons, url, doi:10.7916/D8G73CBZ
  7. Jessica Forde, Vivek Rathod, Hooshmand Shookri, Vaibhav Bandari, Ashwath Rajan, John Min, Ariel Fan, Leon Wu, Ashish Gagneja, Doug Riecken, others (2013) Di-BOSS™: Digital Building Operating System Solution, 2013 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2013),
  8. Hugo P. Simão, H. B. Jeong, Boris Defourny, Warren B. Powell, Albert Boulanger, A. Gagneja, L. Wu, R. N. Anderson (2013) A robust solution to the load curtailment problem, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4(4), p. 2209-2219, IEEE, doi:10.1109/TSG.2013.2276754
  9. Cynthia Rudin, David Waltz, Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Maggie Chow, Haimonti Dutta, Philip N Gross, Bert Huang, Steve Ierome, Delfina F Isaac, Arthur Kressner, Rebecca J Passonneau, Axinia Radeva, Leon Wu (2012) Machine learning for the New York City power grid., IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 34(2), p. 328-45, url, doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2011.108
  10. David Solomon, Albert Boulanger, Leon Wu, Roger Anderson (2012) Refinement of a Support Vector Machine Regression Model for Forecasting Commercial Building Energy Loads: A Use-Phase Approach to Building Energy Efficiency, New York Academy of Sciences Seventh Annual Machine Learning Symposium (Poster)
  11. Leon Wu, Gail Kaiser, David Solomon, Rebecca Winter, Albert Boulanger, Roger Anderson (2012) Improving efficiency and reliability of building systems using machine learning and automated online evaluation, 2012 IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT), p. 1-6, url
  12. Leon Li Wu, Gail E. Kaiser, Cynthia Rudin, David L. Waltz, Roger N. Anderson, Albert G. Boulanger, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Haimonti Dutta, Manoj Pooleery (2011) Evaluating Machine Learning for Improving Power Grid Reliability, url
  13. Leon Wu, Timothy Teravainen, Gail Kaiser, Roger Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Cynthia Rudin (2011)Estimation of system reliability using a semiparametric model, IEEE 2011 EnergyTech, p. 1-6, IEEE, url, doi:10.1109/EnergyTech.2011.5948537
  14. David M. Solomon, Rebecca Lynn Winter, Albert G. Boulanger, Roger N. Anderson, Leon Li Wu (2011) Forecasting energy demand in large commercial buildings using support vector machine regression, Department of Computer Science, Columbia University, Tech. Rep. CUCS-040-11, url
  15. A G Boulanger, A C Chu, S Maxx, D L Waltz (2011) Vehicle Electrification: Status and Issues, Proceedings of the IEEE 99(6), p. 1116-1138, url, doi:10.1109/JPROC.2011.2112750
  16. Rebecca Winter, A Boulanger, R Anderson, Leon Wu (2011) Using Support Vector Machine to Forecast Energy Usage of a Manhattan Skyscraper, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, p. 984
  17. Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Warren B Powell, Warren Scott (2011) Adaptive Stochastic Control for the Smart Grid, Proceedings of the IEEE 99(6), p. 1098-1115, url, doi:doi: 10.1109/jproc.2011.2109671
  18. Phil Gross, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Haimonti Dutta, Albert Boulanger (2009) Ranking Electrical Feeders of the New York Power Grid, 2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, p. 359-365, IEEE, url, doi:10.1109/ICMLA.2009.99
  19. Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger (2009) Prospectivity of the Ultra-Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, Lean Energy initiative, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University–Palisades, New York 10964, url
  20. Haimonti Dutta, David Waltz, Alessandro Moschitti, Daniele Pighin, Philip Gross, Claire Monteleoni, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Albert Boulanger, Manoj Pooleery, Roger Anderson (2009) Estimating the time between failures of electrical feeders in the new york power grid, Next Generation Data Mining Summit, NGDM,  url
  21. Philip N. Gross, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Haimonti Dutta, Albert G. Boulanger (2008) Susceptibility ranking of electrical feeders: A case study, CCLS Technical Reports, url
  22. Roger Anderson, Albert Boulanger, John A. Johnson (2007) Gas-to-electricity real options can provide deepwater strategic, operational flexibility, Oil & gas journal 105(28), p. 36-42, PennWell Publishing Co. Energy Group, Tulsa, USA, url
  23. Roger Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Wei He, Ulisses Mello, Liqing Xu  (2006) Lean energy management-II Martingale control of 4D reservoir performance provides constant watch on field profitability, Oil & gas journal 104(19), Pennwell, url
  24. Philip Gross, Albert Boulanger, Marta Arias, David Waltz, Philip M. Long, Charles Lawson, Roger Anderson, Matthew Koenig, Mark Mastrocinque, William Fairechio, John A. Johnson, Serena Lee, Frank Doherty, Arthur Kressner (2006) Predicting electricity distribution feeder failures using machine learning susceptibility analysis, Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2, p. 1705-1711, url
  25. Roger Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Philip Gross, Philip M Long, David Waltz (2005) Lean energy management-9: Boosting, support vector machines and reinforcement learning in computer-aided lean management, Oil & gas journal 103(18), p. 41-48, PennWell Publishing Co. Energy Group, Tulsa, USA, url
  26. Roger N. Anderson, Albert Boulanger (2005) Use of matrices in computer-aided lean energy management, Oil and Gas Journal 103(9), p. 34-40, url
  27. Roger N. Anderson, Albert Boulanger (2005) How Martingale stochastic control navigates computer-aided lean energy management, Oil and Gas Journal 103(35), p. 56-61, url
  28. Roger N. Anderson, Albert Boulanger (2004) Ultradeepwater suitability matrix helps estimate value of lean processes, Oil and Gas Journal 102(24), p. 35-39, url
  29. Roger Anderson, Albert Boulanger (2004) Smart grids and the American way, Power and Energy, url
  30. Roger Anderson, Albert Boulanger (2004) Knowledge management and computational learning for lean energy management, Oil & gas journal 102(44), p. 36-40, PennWell Publishing Co. Energy Group, Tulsa, USA, url
  31. Roger N. Anderson, Albert Boulanger, James Longbottom, Ronald Oligney, others (2003) Lean energy management-1: Lean energy management required for economic ultradeepwater development, Oil & gas journal 101(11), p. 47, PennWell Publishing Co. Energy Group, Tulsa, USA, url
  32. Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger (2003) Enterprise-wide systems integration needed in ultradeepwater operations, Oil & gas journal 101(45), p. 48, PennWell Publishing Co. Energy Group, Tulsa, USA, url
  33. Roger Anderson, Albert Boulanger (2003) Flexible manufacturing techniques make ultradeep water attractive to independents, Oil and Gas Journal 101(33), p. 56-66, url
  34. Roger Anderson, Albert Boulanger (2003) Lean energy management – 2: Ultradeepwater oil-gas development: Designing uncertainty into the enterprise, Oil and Gas Journal 101(20), p. 42-48, url
  35. Roger Anderson, Albert Boulanger (2003) How to realize LEM benefits in ultradeepwater oil and gas, Oil and Gas Journal 101(25), p. 36-43, url

Patents Granted

  1. J A Johnson RN Anderson A Boulanger (2016) Dynamic contingency avoidance and mitigation system, US, url
  2. Roger Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Philip Gross, Bob Blick, Leon Bukhman, Mark Mastrocinque, John Johnson, Fred Seibel, Hubert Delany, others (2015) Decision support control centers, US, url
  3. Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Leon Wu, Serena Lee (2014) Metrics monitoring and financial validation system (M2FVS) for tracking performance of capital, operations, and maintenance investments to an infrastructure, Google Patents, US, url
  4. Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Cynthia Rudin, David Waltz, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Maggie Chow, Haimonti Dutta, Phil Gross, Huang Bert, Steve Ierome, others, New York, Cynthia Rudin, New York, David Waltz, N J Y Us, N J Y Us, Maggie Chow, Haimonti Dutta, Phil Gross, N J Y Us, Huang Bert, Silver Spring, Steve Ierome, New York, N J Y Us, Del Isaac, New York, N J Y Us, Arthur Kressner, N J Y Us, Rebecca J Passonneau, New York, Leon L Wu, New York, N J Y Us, Frank Dougherty (2014) Machine learning for power grid 2(12), US, url
  5. Roger N Anderson, Maggie Chow, Albert Boulanger (2014) Capital asset planning system, US, url
  6. Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Wei He, Ulisses Mello, Liqing Xu (2013) Martingale control of production for optimal profitability of oil and gas fields, US, url
  7. Maggie Chow, Mark Mastrocinque, Robert J Blick, Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Philip Gross (2014) Contingency analysis information for utility service network, US, url
  8. Philip M Long, Rocco A Servedio, Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger (2011) Systems and methods for martingale boosting in machine learning, US, url
  9. Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger, David L Waltz, Phil Long, Marta Arias, Philip Gross, Hila Becker, Arthur Kressner, Mark Mastrocinque, Matthew Koenig, others (2011) System and method for grading electricity distribution network feeders susceptible to impending failure, US, url
  10. Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger (2008) Innervated stochastic controller for real time business decision-making support, US, url
  11. Wendell Wiggins. Anderson, Roger N., Albert Boulanger, Wei He, Jody Winston, Liquing Xu, Ulisses Mello (2004) Petroleum reservoir simulation and characterization system and method, US6826483 B1, 30-Nov-2004. US, url

Patent Applications

  1. Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Leon L Wu, Viabhav Bhandari, Somnath Sarkar, Ashish Gagneja (2015) Forecasting system using machine learning and ensemble methods, US, url
  2. Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Leon L Wu, Kevin Mclnerney, Timothy Teravainen, Bibhas Chakraborty (2014) Adaptive Stochastic Controller for Dynamic Treatment of Cyber-Physical Systems, US, url
  3. Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Vaibhav Bhandari, Eugene Boniberger, Ashish Gagneja, John Gilbert, Arthur Kressner, Ashwath Rajan, David Solomon, Jessica Forde, others (2014) Total property optimization system for energy efficiency and smart buildings, US, url
  4. Leon L Wu, Albert Boulanger, Roger N Anderson, Eugene M Boniberger, Arthur A Kressner, John J Gilbert (2014) Adaptive Stochastic Controller for Energy Efficiency and Smart BuildingsUS, url
  5. Timothy Teravainen, Leon L Wu, Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger (2013) Metrics and Semiparametric Model Estimating Failure Rate and Mean time Between FailuresUS, url
  6. Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Arthur A Kressner (2012) Adaptive stochastic controller for distributed electrical energy storage managementUSurl
  7. Roger N Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Samantha Cook, John Johnson (2010) Methods and systems of determining the effectiveness of capital improvement projectsUSurl