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Patents Granted
- (2016) Dynamic contingency avoidance and mitigation system, US, url
- (2015) Decision support control centers, US, url
- (2014) Metrics monitoring and financial validation system (M2FVS) for tracking performance of capital, operations, and maintenance investments to an infrastructure, Google Patents, US, url
- (2014) Machine learning for power grid 2(12), US, url
- (2014) Capital asset planning system, US, url
- (2013) Martingale control of production for optimal profitability of oil and gas fields, US, url
- (2014) Contingency analysis information for utility service network, US, url
- (2011) Systems and methods for martingale boosting in machine learning, US, url
- (2011) System and method for grading electricity distribution network feeders susceptible to impending failure, US, url
- (2008) Innervated stochastic controller for real time business decision-making support, US, url
- (2004) Petroleum reservoir simulation and characterization system and method, US6826483 B1, 30-Nov-2004. US, url
Patent Applications
- (2015) Forecasting system using machine learning and ensemble methods, US, url
- (2014) Adaptive Stochastic Controller for Dynamic Treatment of Cyber-Physical Systems, US, url
- (2014) Total property optimization system for energy efficiency and smart buildings, US, url
- (2014) Adaptive Stochastic Controller for Energy Efficiency and Smart Buildings, US, url
- (2013) Metrics and Semiparametric Model Estimating Failure Rate and Mean time Between Failures, US, url
- (2012) Adaptive stochastic controller for distributed electrical energy storage management, US, url
- (2010) Methods and systems of determining the effectiveness of capital improvement projects, US, url
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