
Research Staff Associate at Center for Computational Learning Systems(CCLS), Columbia University

Ashish has a M.S. in CS (2009) and a M.S. in OR (2015), both from Columbia University. He has been associated with CCLS since 2009 initially as a summer intern, then as a GRA in Fall 2009 and finally as a Staff Associate since March 2010. Prior to that, Ashish worked as software professional in India for about five years with employers like SunGard (now FIS) and Amdocs.

Starting in 2009, Ashish contributed to a project involving ranking feeders in Con Edison’s NYC electric distribution network based on their propensity to fail. Consequently, Ashish was involved in a Dept. of Energy funded Con Edison-led Smart Grid. He has built machine learning based forecasting systems for the smart grid project, and a subsequent project for optimal charging of electric delivery vehicles, with General Electric and FedEx. After those projects he used machine learning forecasting experience to implement the forecasting capabilities that become part of a commercial intelligent building management system, Di-BOSS.  He is currently doing a cost vs. benefit analysis using causal inference of Con Edison programs concerning their secondary distribution networks and helping develop image analysis tools for thermal imaging inspections of underground structures for Con Edison.

  • Research and develop predictive systems
  • Perform data analysis, statistical modeling, regression analysis, simulation, unsupervised learning
  • Feature set selection & design for machine learning models
  • Write statement of work, technical specifications, documentation.
  • Provide project estimates, conduct peer reviews, assist team members, bug fixing, unit testing
  • Assist with client implementations