Archive for The Program

What’s on the horizon for the Energy & Environment Concentration

Spring has sprung and we are pumped up for a big semester. We are making some exciting improvements based on a whole lot of feedback last semester, including a student satisfaction survey, faculty consultations, a benchmarking study, and an informal internal review.

For example, we are developing a more rigorous foundation for the environment track, and bolstering students’ analytic proficiency by running an excel and financial modeling workshop.

We are also boosting our career support for students. Last September we launched “The Program”, a pilot initiative to provide sector-specific career support in collaboration with the Office of Career Services.

Part of this is encouraging students to do some soul searching about the type of future they want, and holding them accountable by requiring them to submit a pipeline of job leads monthly. Students in The Program can book one-on-one career advisory sessions with Professor Bradford, attend tailored networking and interviewing workshops, and participate in specialized forums to discuss challenges and resources in specific fields within the Energy & Environment realm.

Currently, 95 students are participating in “The Program”. We are already quietly celebrating a number of students who have found fantastic jobs well before graduation.

Lots of other things are in the pipeline. We can’t tell you about them just yet, but stay tuned!


"The most global public policy school, where an international community of students and faculty address world challenges."

—Merit E. Janow, Dean, SIPA, Professor of Practice, International and Economic Law and International Affairs

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