Archive for Summerfest NYC

Are you ready for Summerfest NYC?

Dry clean your best business-casual attire, polish your dress shoes, and buy a new notepad for all the knowledge you’re about to gain! This Thursday, we’re hosting Summerfest NYC, an evening to mingle with alumni, students and staff from five top graduate programs in international affairs, including us. It’s basically a fun-filled night to network with other professionals and learn more about the admissions process at each school.

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Learn about SIPA this summer

Right now, it’s prime weather for walking along the waterfront off Riverside Drive to your favorite bistro before heading across town with your friends for an afternoon at one of the dozens of museums in the city. And the sun warms the sidewalks just enough for your eyes to catch a glimpse of that heat-haze coming off the pavement. Hence, it’s clearly summertime in NYC.  Read More →

"The most global public policy school, where an international community of students and faculty address world challenges."

—Merit E. Janow, Dean, SIPA, Professor of Practice, International and Economic Law and International Affairs

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