Archive for diversity task force

A Note About SIPA’s Diversity Initiative

While researching SIPA for your graduate studies, you’ve probably noticed that the school is one of the most internationally-diverse institutions at Columbia University. In fact, students in the MIA/MPA 2013 class represent 51 different countries, and speak 41 native languages. Overall, 52 percent of the class is represented by international students! Thus, we truly cherish our diversity and the many unique perspectives our students, faculty, staff and alumni bring to campus.

Reminding us all about the importance of inclusion, Dean Merit E. Janow released a statement about SIPA’s continued efforts to foster a community that is welcoming, respectful of individual and group differences, and representative of our society:

“A focus on diversity is important for all schools, but it is a particular priority for SIPA because the process of designing public policy should reflect consideration for diverse segments of societies,” Dean Janow said in a recent email.

Earlier this year Dean Janow formed a diversity task force to support SIPA’s efforts to build an even stronger culture of inclusiveness. This diversity task force holds regular meetings and student events, including an upcoming Diversity Symposium, on November 14, 2014. Read more about the Diversity Task Force’s efforts and upcoming events here:

"The most global public policy school, where an international community of students and faculty address world challenges."

—Merit E. Janow, Dean, SIPA, Professor of Practice, International and Economic Law and International Affairs

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