Archive for blog – Page 2

SIPA Student Blog: The Morningside Post

You already may be aware that there is a blog run by SIPA students – The Morningside Post (TMP).  The TMP will be undergoing some exciting changes in the coming weeks and just like I encourage readers to subscribe to this blog, the same encouragement applies to the TMP.  From a recent entry here are some comments on how the site will change and why:

The last few months there has been some mention on TMP about a redesign. I am proud to say that, after about a year of planning and executing, we have almost reached point B of our redesign.  Things are going to change pretty dramatically around here. But, before they do, it seemed best to give everyone a heads up of what is to come.

So what changes exactly? First, and foremost, TMP is being built on a different online platform, one that will make it much easier for our readers to get at the kind of information they want, and filter out what they don’t want.

It’s going to get a lot easier to read what you want to read. And to know what’s going on at SIPA, you won’t have to go to a bunch of websites, because there will be one place for “one-stop shopping.” Hopefully, this will serve both the SIPA community and those outside of SIPA interested in what SIPA has to offer.

What is an RSS Feed and Why Should I Have One for This Blog?

The Internet has become a daily staple for most applicants to SIPA and obtaining pertinent information about our program and available financial aid is something that is best done on a consistent basis. RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is an easy and convenient way to have news and information delivered to you without having to repeat searches over and over every time you want to look for new news.

RSS feeds are most commonly used through either an RSS reader or through a news feed that provides new information to you in the form of email. RSS readers are free and many email providers (such as Google’s Gmail) build RSS readers into their user interface.

All you need to do to receive news as it is updated is to add an RSS enabled Web site to your reader. Each time you visit your RSS reader you will be able to see if new information has been posted. There is no need to visit every site over and over to find out if there is new news or updates.

You can subscribe to this blog by both email and through your reader. To subscribe by email simply add your email to the FeedBurner subscription box in the right margin near the top of the page.

If you are not familiar with RSS technology the following short YouTube video is a great introduction (length of video, 3:44).

Direct YouTube link here.

"The most global public policy school, where an international community of students and faculty address world challenges."

—Merit E. Janow, Dean, SIPA, Professor of Practice, International and Economic Law and International Affairs

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