Who’s on ‘The Colbert Report’?!

Courtesy of The Colbert Report

Courtesy of The Colbert Report

As it turns out, it’s not that impossible to make it to the “big” time. One of SIPA’s very own has been featured on a popular, late-night satirical television programJason Bordoff, of SIPA’s Center on Global Energy Policy, recently appeared on “The Colbert Report” to discuss falling oil prices. In the interview, Bordoff also talks about OPEC’s decision to flood the market with cheap oil in order to weaken the U.S.’s fracking industry.

And boy, did the Colbert Nation take note of what he had to say.

“Oil prices have a funny way of going up and of going down,” he says in the segment. “But it’s still probably best to invest in a fuel-efficient car.”

Watch the segment, dubbed “Oil War,” on TheColbertReport.com, here.

Bordoff, the founding director Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policyalso co-authored the article, “Why Energy Leaders Need to Read Cicero” for Reuters. In it he discusses why energy leaders need the kind of skills taught at SIPA now more than ever. You can read about his article in our recent post here.