you still need more information…

The final application deadline is approaching (February 5).

If you have questions about whether this is the right program for you, come to an information session.  We have scheduled four more on-campus sessions about  SIPA’s two year full time MIA and MPA degree programs this month — There is a session tomorrow ( January, 17) from 12pm to 1:30pm.  If you are in town, drop by.

After our January 31 information session, we will take a short recruitment hiatus during our heaviest application “reading” period.  Of course, we are still around for walk-ins and we’ll be back hosting on-campus sessions in late February/early March.  Be sure to check the Recruitment schedule on our website for further details.

For questions, please contact the Admissions Office at 212-854-6216 or at [email protected].