it’s not a secret database

We’ve been listing external scholarship opportunities on our website for years; however, the database was not the easiest to navigate and needed a lot of clean up.   But it’s finally done.  We revised our online database of external fellowships, scholarships and grants to make it more user-friendly (and finally got rid of the outdated scholarships).

Go to our website to search for awards for which you may qualify.  The database includes many awards that are available to international students as well as others for domestic students.  The Financial Aid Office continues to research more opportunities to add to the database.  We encourage all SIPA applicants to seek out these forms of funding. Do your research on these sources early, as some have early application deadlines.  And of course, if you have heard of a scholarship opportunity that we don’t have in our database (and you would like to share the information), let us know.  Happy Hunting!