we’re still here

The life of an admissions officer is never dull (at least we are never short of things to do).  We’re offered a glimpse of the lives of our applicants each day… some sharing their recent successes… some sharing their concerns over funding… some sharing their joy about their admission to SIPA.   Although we have been silent on the Blog for the last few weeks (apologies for our absence), there has been many activities to keep us busier than we have time in a day for.

You can keep up with SIPA Events by subscribing to the Event listserve or checking us out on our website (which got a makeover recently).  We’re whisking off to little towns and big cities to introduce prospective students to the SIPA community.  And we’re attending interesting events or hosting them in DC, NY, SF, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Shanghai, Houston, Rio, Berlin — just to name a few places.

Responses to our offer of admission into our fall MIA, MPA, and MPA-DP programs have come in… There are a few responses left out there but for the most part, we have a solid class.  We’re very excited to welcome them to SIPA in August.

As new SIPA students prepare to join us in New York this fall, we have a class getting ready to receive their diplomas and graduate Columbia University with their Master of International Affairs and Master of Public Administration degrees in less than 2 weeks —  Very exciting but sad too as we will have to bid farewell to our wonderful PAs — Ariana, Emily, Mariana C, Mariana I. and Nancy.