Summer preparation

I hope you are enjoying the photo submissions from our new first year students.   Maybe next year your photos will appear in our blog as an incoming student.  However, first you need to apply and be admitted… and also take some great photos for submission.

Don’t start the application just yet since the 2013 application will not go live until August.  So in the meantime, I suggest you use the summer to learn more about the programs by visiting fairs (we’ll be in DC on July 19 & July 20), scouring school websites, and attending campus information sessions.  You should also prep for the GRE (and TOEFL/IELTS), reconnect with a professor and/or a professional associate who can write you a glowing recommendation and of course think about why you want to pursue a Master’s degree – specifically in international affairs or public administration. This will help you formulate your thoughts and explain to the various Admissions Committees why you are ready for graduate school.  Most importantly, you should explore and experience life — so your discussions in the classroom will be richer.

If you missed it, check out Megan’s post on the July 10th about how she used her summer prior to applying to SIPA.