New Student Photo Series 2011 – #29

I mentioned that the incoming student photo series was likely coming to a close, however we recently received another set of photos – enjoy.

My name is Lisa Deng, an incoming MIA student from China. Photography, for me, is an unique experience to capture the beauty and emotions of special moments in life.

This photo was taken in Tibet (4500 meters above sea level) during  an outdoor adventure tour in 2006. This magic land is filled with beautiful snow mountains, lakes, grasslands, temples and villages that can deeply touch the purest feelings in one’s heart.

In a Maasai village in Kenya, Maasai women wear very colorful clothes with beaded necklaces made by themselves. They showed visitors the hospitality with friendly smiles. One of Maasai women’s tasks is to build their houses for the family. The traditional Maasai house (behind them) is made from mud, grass, sticks, and cow dung, etc.

Aershan is a small city located in the north of inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in China. When conducting a strategic consulting project for its local government on a quiet and cold winter morning, I  was attracted by this lovely view of snow-covered European-style buildings in this city.