Mongolia Women’s Wellness Study Findings Presented in Ulaanbaatar

Susan Witte, PhD (SIG), Marion Riedel, PhD (Faculty Affiliate), Aira Toivgoo, PhD (Project Director), and Altantsetseg Batsukh, MD, MSW (GHRCCA Staff) presented the findings of the Women’s Wellness Project–a two-year NIAAA-funded randomized clinical trial testing the efficacy of a gender-specific HIV intervention for women who are engaged in sex work and who have a history of alcohol abuse. The study was implemented in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, enrolling 166 women who were assigned to one of three study conditions. The presentation included 40 key stakeholders from diverse organizational settings who actively participated in a formal discussion of findings, implications and next critical steps for future collaborative research on HIV/STI, alcohol abuse, and other health prevention issues affecting women and their families in Mongolia. A more formal Community Collaborative Research Board (CCRB) is being initiated by the Wellspring NGO to continue this important research and program development. For more information, visit the Global Health Research Center of Central Asia website.