If you would like to submit a paper for presentation at the IPWSD, please take the following steps:
- Download and complete our Registration Form [in .doc or .pdf].
- Email your completed registration form, along with a long abstract (ideally including preliminary results) to [email protected] on or before the 31st of January, 2012. Full draft papers are also welcome.
- You will receive notification of the decision regarding your paper submission by mid-February, 2012.
- If your paper submission is accepted, you will need to confirm your registration and intention to attend the IPWSD by replying to [email protected] by the 20th March, 2012. If we do not receive your confirmation of registration by this date, we will unfortunately not be able to include your paper in the final IPWSD program.
- The final IPWSD program, including all accepted and confirmed papers, will be made availabe in early April, 2012.
If you have any questions at all about this process for paper submission to the IPWSD, please feel free to contact the organizing committee at [email protected].
The Sustainable Development Doctoral Society is the official organization of the students in the Ph.D. Program in Sustainable Development at Columbia University.
We would like to sincerely thank our sponsors for this event: the Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) at Columbia University.
IPWSD 2012 Home — Submission of Papers — Keynote Speaker — Accommodation Options — NYC Transit Details — Visa Info — Contact