Category: Talks
Tibetan Buddhist Material Culture in the Qing Court and the Religious Mentalities of the Qianlong Emperors
百度盘全文下载: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1A2D4NGjh9d7n5eDsaMjn2Q 密码: vj5m
Report on Winning the China Times Foundation First Prize for Chinese Studies
“余紀忠時報文化基金會「青年學者奬」揭曉 孔令偉獲首獎”,中時新聞網,2020/09/30,https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20200930004607-260405?chdtv
Entry on “Amdo Gelukpa” in UBC Database of Religious History
Ling-Wei Kung (2020). “Amdo Gelukpa.” Database of Religious History, Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia. Retrieved September 14. Retrieved from: https://religiondatabase.org/accounts/Lingwei_Kung_1596919910/