I feel like the more work I have, the less I feel motivated to do it because it starts to pile up. So here’s a list of things I need to do on a tangible platform (instead of just in my mind, yeah I know that internet isn’t actually a tangible physical object) which will hopefully motivate me more:
-Re-read Nitezche’s On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense and add to essay to make it 1500-1800 words
-Review 2+ lectures in Chemistry and start the problem set
-Finish taking notes on Chp13&14 in Multi
-Print Chem Review Final and finish 1 page (at least) -> DONE
-Read Physics (Chapters 1-5)
-Finish CS ProblemSet (bruh) -> ALMOST DONE
-Finish 1 problem on Mastering Physics
-Finish 5 problems on Owl Cengage -> DONE
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