Mandalas in Modern Society

In life, we are born into a sphere (our earth), which moves around its axis and periodically revolves around the sun. The moon revolves around us and creates the cyclical nature of time: day, week, month, year. Similarly, the planets in our solar system move around the sun. Therefore, as the Tibetans believe that in nature, there are infinite mandala movements that we live and experience on earth, for example flowers, snowflakes, tree trunks, conifer cones, hurricanes, Helix Nebula etc. Mandala means “holy circle” in Sanskrit which refers to a typical circuit, which can be a drawing, or other graphical mark. Over the years, various cultures around the world gave the notion of mandala a variety of symbolic meanings. There are cultures in which the mandala symbolizes the pattern of existence, and represents the basis of meditation and visualization. In addition, it represents a blessed place. The mandala represents the spirit of the cosmos and the existence of the world. The Squares, which appear consecutively, represent the dual principles, but also the complementary of the universe, the establishment of creation, and the rise of the soul to heaven. They also represent the center of power, leaving the secure zone from the effects of conflicts. This center functions as a key to enter heaven.

The mandala is built from a central point from which the branches that form circle-packed lines, geometric shapes, signs and symbols.  It symbolizes an energy drawing. The purpose of the mandala is to connect us to our soul and represent the flow of life. Furthermore, the energy circle symbolizes the energy of life. Mandala creation is based on the shape of the circle and helps in the process of personal healing and positive energy. Therefore, with these mandalas  that were inspired by my modern life time. I would like each of the observers to take his own individual inspiration from those Mandalas. It is up to the individual to interpret the meaning behind the mandalas, and to relate this meaning to themselves and to the larger world. This is the beauty of mandalas, and much of the spiritual Tibetan culture as a whole.

Here are the mandalas that we have chosen, both of which we thought could provoke interesting thoughts from the viewers. Also, they are two very different mandalas, and show the variety that can be seen between various modern mandalas.


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