The sixth scheduled meeting of the work-in-progress group will be lunchtime (12 p.m. – 1 p.m.), Thursday October 25, 2018 in 404 Dodge.
Those grad students in the music department who have recently begun their doctoral research projects – regardless of year, area, or standing – are especially welcome to attend.
Papers for discussion:
- Ralph Whyte (HM), on Mary Hallock Greenewalt
- Marc Hannaford (Theory), “Muhal Richard Abrams, Schillinger, and the Concept of Influence”
Presenters, please email me your papers or leave them in the shared folder about 48-36 hours in advance of the meeting.
To access the shared folder, you must be a member of the gradmuswip@ group and signed into your LionMail account. To be added, please contact me at <[email protected]>.