First Gen Stories

Ilea Franklin

I came from a lower SES; I’m talking water and electric getting shut off, food not available reliably. A huge challenged I faced was learning low SES meant something different at Columbia University. Additionally, learning to navigate the tools at the University as I should have. Getting to know people’s goals and missions will be what helps you in the future. Network. Making the time for interview prep and resume work. Start looking for jobs while you’re in school so you can begin to understand what will be expected of you. Your projects are you tools to show employers “sample” work that will be asked of you for a role. Make time to talk to your professors about their work. They can help you build your ideas/dreams. And it will be helpful to have someone who knows you well to be your references. Don’t pick a job just to have a job. Pick a job that you like. You can be whatever you decide you want to be. Money isn’t everything. I’ve overcome the mistakes I made throughout college by putting in the work, removing myself from a fear of failure, and choosing to act as who I want to be.

Short stories and photographs have been collected of those who are First Gen students, graduates, staff, and alumni that are now part of the Columbia network. This project was not only to highlight those who are first generation but also to encourage high schoolers and undergraduate students to aim towards the Ivy League dream. If we could do it, so can they!

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