First Gen Stories

Bianca Hoffer

My parents are both immigrants from Hungary and Ecuador. I never in my life would’ve imagined I’d be attending an Ivy League let alone have the courage to apply. Growing up, my family always struggled with finances and not having the same opportunities as everyone else due to their lack of having higher education. Applying for Columbia came to me like an epiphany I took a shot in the dark and applied and when I got the acceptance I cried tears of joy because it means so much more to me coming from where I come from. It’s not easy growing up in that struggle and knowing that you can’t do anything about it. Now I know I can overcome all those obstacles and build a better life and future for myself through my education and career.

Short stories and photographs have been collected of those who are First Gen students, graduates, staff, and alumni that are now part of the Columbia network. This project was not only to highlight those who are first generation but also to encourage high schoolers and undergraduate students to aim towards the Ivy League dream. If we could do it, so can they!

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