My short story “No Splashing” was recently published in Oyez Review, volume 44 (Spring 2017). Visit their website for more information about getting your copy of the issue. It’s not yet available for purchase at Amazon, but I’ll update this post when it is.
In the meantime, enjoy this excerpt from the story:
Jake wonders if the girls and guys are paired off into couples. It seems everyone in high school is obsessed with finding someone to go steady with — a boyfriend to hang all over, a girlfriend to paw at when no one’s looking. Jake can’t believe he’s on the cusp of such a strange new world, where going steady and driving and parties are everything — a place where full grown adulthood is the next step. If he finds it challenging to fit in and act normal now, he can’t imagine how much harder it will be when he’s older. It’s like there’s this set of rules he never got a chance to read. Even when he figures out what he should be doing, it’s usually too late. When he leaps into the deep end of the pool, nothing pleases him more than landing the perfect dive with little to no splash, which is the exact opposite from all the other boys who aren’t happy unless they’ve soaked innocent bystanders.
Again, visit Oyez Review for more information about getting your copy today! Enjoy!