Download: academic CV, one-page resume
- Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of California, Davis (2014)
- B.S. Physics, B.S. Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison (2009)
- R&D Fellow, Wolfram Research (2009–present)
- Research Intern, Microsoft Research, New York City (summer 2013)
- James S. McDonnell Postdoctoral Fellowship in Studying Complex Systems (2014–2016)
- National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG) (2011–2014)
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRF) (2011) (declined in order to accept NDSEG)
- Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Fellowship (2010–2011)
- UC Davis Graduate Scholars Fellowship (2009–2010)