Academics Abroad

“I found the French university system difficult to navigate. On the first day of class, I was given a very vague syllabus and a list of topics for each week’s class. It was hard to figure out what exactly I was supposed to do especially when most French students did not ever interact with the teacher. However, in approaching the teacher American-style, I was able to figure out what was going on and the teacher ended up being especially considerate of my place as the only foreigner in his class.” Arielle Fox, CC ‘11

“I was surprised by how much different the French grading system was than the American system. In France, the grading system is out of 20. I was told right off the bat that a 20 or even 19 or 18 were extremely hard to get. It was hard to get used to getting a 15 out of 20 at first since I knew it converted to a C in the American system even though it was considered a very good grade.” Arielle Fox, CC ‘11