Archive for public service – Page 2

Best Public Service Annoucement Scholarship Video Contest

A graduate of Columbia College who works for the company below passed along an opportunity to earn a scholarship for a video related to public service.  I confirmed that it is open to graduate students.  If you decide to enter, feel free to share your video with the Admissions Office as well.  Simply email us a link to your YouTube video.


Indigo Productions Scholarship
$1,000 scholarship award for best
video Public Service Announcement

Indigo Productions, a New York City video production company, invites Columbia students to compete in a scholarship contest which will be awarded to the student or group of students who create the most original and effective video PSA (Public Service Announcement).

First prize: $1,000
Second prize: $500
Deadline: September 15, 2010
Eligibility: Contestants must be students attending an accredited college or university in the continental U.S. at any point during 2010.
Length: Video can be up to 2 minutes long
Subject matter: Any health or safety issue that is of importance to the public (e.g. obesity, addictions, STDs, school bullying).

“We are looking for edgy and original approaches that capture people’s imagination,” says Max Rosen, President and Founder of Indigo Productions (CC ‘84)

To enter, simply upload your finished PSA video to YouTube and fill out the form below.

All videos will be judged by a panel of professionals selected by Indigo based on 5 criteria: Concept, Creativity, Execution, Artistic merit, and Viral potential.  The winning student or group will be announced on October 15, 2010.

To apply for the scholarship, please visit:

For information about Indigo’s Viral Video Production Workshop at New York University, please visit: Classes run 4 consecutive Sunday’s starting September 26th.

Career Opportunities in Public Service Expected to Rise

Several news outlets recently have published good news for those interested in careers related to the public sector.  Career opportunities are expected to rise in the coming years which bodes well for those interested in professional degrees related to public administration and international affairs.  The following comes from a May 11th article in The Chronicle of Higher Education.  The quote is in response to a rise in the number of applications submitted to public policy related programs this past year:

The main reason the schools cited was the expectation that the public sector will be on a hiring spree at a time when the private sector is still laying off workers. Two factors could result in the hiring of an additional 600,000 government workers—representing one-third of the federal government’s current work force—in the next three years, says Tim McManus, vice president for education and outreach at the Partnership for Public Service, a Washington, D.C., group that encourages careers in the federal government,

Baby boomers who entered government service soon after the Kennedy era are beginning to retire, and as President Obama’s economic rescue and recovery plan kicks in, a wave of new government jobs will be created.

"The most global public policy school, where an international community of students and faculty address world challenges."

—Merit E. Janow, Dean, SIPA, Professor of Practice, International and Economic Law and International Affairs

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