Archive for March 2014 – Page 3

A California versus New York Comparison…

Things Southern California SIPA students notice right away…

1. The weather difference!  Anyone who grew up in Southern California will notice when the temperature drops below 55 degrees…In California, we call it the “arctic chill”

Arctic Chill:

This year the east coast experienced the POLAR VORTEX.

Polar Vortex in NYC:

2. the importance of a coat!

3. And Boots…

4. In N Out v. Shake Shack


Anyone who grew up in California will notice the food choices aren’t exactly the same…changing In-N-Out for a New York favorite the “Shake Shack”.


5. palm trees v. skyscrapers


Where’s the sun? Although New York is a great city, you’ll still have Californians asking for the sun…and warmer weather!

6. MTA v. Owning a Car


New Yorkers give subway directions like Californians give highway directions: Take the B to the A to the 1.


7. Jaywalking? NYC, LA


And – you’ll still find some Californians in NYC waiting for the street lights to turn green because jaywalking is not permitted in California.


8. Both Los Angeles and New York have elected SIPA Alumni as their Mayors


Anyway you decide to spin it – If you find yourself in New York, enjoy your time here!  It is the city of many opportunities and promise.

Good luck with Admission Decisions!

a humorous post submitted by Eder Gaona-Macedo, MPA 2014

It’s back… TEDxColumbiaSIPA

TEDx was created in the spirit of TED’s mission, “ideas worth spreading.” The program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level. TEDxColumbiaSIPA is a locally-organized, student-led event designed to spark authentic, impassioned, and open-minded dialogue in our community.  It is organized by students from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA).

Last year SIPA put together its first TEDx to stimulate dialogue around the common mission most dear to SIPA:  how to make a difference around the world.  The 2013 theme centered on “A Better World”; this year’s theme is: Think Smaller.

Instead of focusing on the big picture, we want to celebrate the small: individual success stories, micro-enterprises, local neighborhoods that we are a part of and the worlds we cannot see with the naked eye.

TEDxColumbiaSIPA 2014 is taking place on Thursday, May 8 at Miller Theater.  For more information about the upcoming event (which is still in the planning stages) and about ticket sales, click here.


My Application is Complete – Now What?

So your application is submitted and all materials have been received (i.e. complete), now you have some free time to start preparing for school in the fall. What should I do? Good question! We have compiled a list of things you can do while you wait for an admissions decision from SIPA and other policy schools. Please remember, these are only some suggestions that we think would be helpful while waiting for admission decisions…

Keep updated with current events:

Policy courses at SIPA will introduce both old and new policy events that will be analyzed and dissected. Take for example, the Columbia University expansion in New York City – it’s been discussed in multiple classes, most recently “Policy Implementation” with Professor Kristina Ford. Keeping yourself updated with current events at the local, federal and foreign events will help you understand concepts and contribute to class discussions.

Suggested sites:

Review quantitative courses:

SIPA students are expected to learn how to read and analyze policy papers heavy with quantitative information. In fact, three of the core classes for MIA and MPA are under the economics and statistics department. Having an understanding of the basics in economics and statistics will only help you succeed in the classroom. Lastly, brushing on some math will help during the ever-popular Math Camp.  Students can take courses at their local Community College over the Summer and or take free online classes, also known as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). To get you started, here are some links we found by doing a simple Google search on the topic:

*Side note… if you are thinking about applying to SIPA in the future, courses taken to strengthen your quantitative background/skills on your application should be taken at an accredited (or international equivalent) university for a grade.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Looking for other ways to get prepared?  Nonprofits in your local community deal with everyday issues (homelessness, higher education access, foreign aid, etc), volunteering with them will give you a unique perspective of how nonprofits tackle some of some the most pressing problems. The experience will provide you with an understanding of different management styles that will be essential in the classroom. So, where can I find volunteer opportunities? Below are some sites we found to be useful:

  • idealist
  • Check your local city for volunteer opportunities, for example NYC

External Funding Search:

Although the application deadline has passed, funding season is still open. You should always be looking into funding opportunities beyond SIPA fellowships and loans. Our Financial Aid Department has compiled a list of external funding opportunities for incoming and continuing students. The advance search option allows you to search by category (i.e. human right, Urban policy) and by application deadline.

Buy a Coat!:

Thinking of making the brave move from warmer climates to the (U.S.) northeast? It’s the perfect time to buy a winter coat – many stores are gearing up for Spring and will be having last minute sales on winter coats.

Take these suggestions with a grain of salt – good luck with admission decisions!

Follies 2014: Coming Soon


Hello everybody! We (the Admissions PA’s) wanted to share a little bit of what is going on at SIPA right now. As you might have read in the news, the weather has been ruthless this winter and we were covered in snow for a few days. Not fun. But despite all of this, and the fact that we almost froze on the way to school, we are all here ready to enjoy the semester!

One of the most beloved SIPA traditions is SIPA Follies, an annual variety show of skits, songs, and parodies, organized  by second year students depicting  life at SIPA with lots of humor. Some students think of it as the “alternative” to class presentations and it is an opportunity to let loose for a bit. Some of the skits are so scandalous that they are never put online! (#WishIwaskidding). Of course, you can have a taste of one of the more “appropriate” ones here 🙂

Last year, Follies was superb and set very high standards. This year, we are ALL up for the challenge and in order to make this year’s Follies even more amazing,  students will auction ethnic dinners, private yoga classes, salsa nights, and even half- marathon training. Even some professors have offered up some of their time to be offered on the auction block. See? Everyone at SIPA is committed to support the cause: For a better and more hilarious Follies in 2014!

"The most global public policy school, where an international community of students and faculty address world challenges."

—Merit E. Janow, Dean, SIPA, Professor of Practice, International and Economic Law and International Affairs

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