“Comminution Kinetics,” (with D. W. Fuerstenau), Proc. Vith Int. Min. Conf., Pergamon Pres: Oxford, pp.8 (1963).
Somasundaran, P., and M. Dekker. “Pretreatment of Mineral Surface and its Effects on their Properties,” Clean Surfaces: Their Preparation and Characterization for Interfacial Studies. Ed. George Goldfinger. New York: Dekker, 1970. 285-xxx.
“Foam Separation Methods,” (with M. Dekker) Separation And Purification Methods, New York, Vol. 1, pp. 117 (1972).
“The Effects of Aging on the Electrokinetic Properties of Quartz in Aqueous Solutions,” (with R. D. Kulkarni) Oxide-Electrolyte Interfaces, R.S. Alwitt Ed., Am. Electrochem. Soc.: Princeton, NJ, pp. 31 (1973).
“Effects of Coarser Particles on The Settling Characteristics Of Phosphatic Slimes,” (with E. L. Smith, Jr., and C. C. Harris), Proc. First International Particle Technology Conference, IITRI: Chigago, pp. 144 (1973).
“Rationalization of Energy-Particle Size Relationships in Comminution,” (with G.E. Agar) Proc. Xth Int. Min. Proc. Conference, M.J. Jones Ed., IMM: London, pp. 3 (1974).
“Interfacial Chemistry of Particulate Flotation,” Advances in Interfacial Phenomena of Particulate/Solution/Gas Systems, R.B. Grieves Ed., AIChE Symp. Vol. 71, pp.1 (1975).
“Kinetics of Oleate Adsorption at the Liquid/Air Interface and its Role in Hematite Flotation,” (with R.D. Kulkarni), Advances in Interfacial Phenomena of Particulate/Solution/Gas Systems, R.B. Grieves Ed., AIChE Symp. Vol. 71, pp. 124 (1975).
“Dewatering of Phosphate Slimes using Coarse Additives,” (with E. L. Smith, Jr., and C. C. Harris), Proc. XIth Int. Min. Proc. Congress , Instituto Di Arte Mineraria e Preparazione Dei Minerali,, M. Carta Ed., Cagliari, Italy, pp. 1301 (1975).
“On the Problems of Separation of Calcite from Calcareous Apatite”, Beneficiation of Lean Phosphates with Carbonate Gangue, Instituto Di Arte Mineraria e Preparazione Dei Minerali, Cagliari, Italy, pp.155 (1975).
“Research Opportunities in Mineral Processing,” Proc. 37th Annual Mining Symp., University of Minnesota, pp. 17.1 (1976).
“Fine Particle Treatment,” Research Needs in Mineral Processing, D.W. Fuerstenau Ed., Columbia University, New York, pp. 125 (1976).
“Separation Using Foam Techniques,” (with E. Grusha, Marcel Dekker), New Developments in Separation Methods, New York, pp. 117 (1976).
“Flotation of Salt-Type Minerals,” (with H. S. Hanna) Flotation, A. M. Gaudin Memorial Volume, M.C. Fuerstenau Ed., AIME: New York, Vol. 1, pp. 197 (1976).
“Physico-chemical Aspects of Adsorption at Solid/Liquid Interfaces, Part 1 – Basic Principles,” (with H. S. Hanna), Improved Oil Recovery by Surfactant and Polymer Flooding, D.O. Shah and R.S. Schechter Eds.,, Academic Press: New York, p. 205 (1977).
“Physico-chemical Aspects of Adsorption at Solid/Liquid Interfaces, Part 2 – Mahogany Sulfonate/Berea Sandstone, Kaolinite System,” (with D.O. Shah and R.S. Schechter and H.S. Hanna), Improved Oil Recovery by Surfactant and Polymer Flooding, Academic Press: New York, pp. 253 (1977).
“Beneficiation of Mineral Slimes Using Modified Polymers as Selective Flocculants,”, (with G. C. Sresty), Proc. XIIth Int. Min. Proc. Congress, Special Publication Volume, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1, pp.159 (1977).
“Flotation Mechanism Based on Ionomolecular Complexes,” (with R. D. Kulkarni, and K .P. Ananthapadmanabhan), Proc. XIIth Int. Min. Proc. Congress, Round Table-Iron Ore, Sao Paulo, Brazil, pp. 80 (1977).
“Theories of Grinding,” (with G.Y. Onoda, Jr. and L.L. Hench Eds), Ceramic Processing Before Firing, J. Wiley & Sons: New York, pp. 105 (1978).
“Selective Flocculation of Mineral Slimes using Polymers,” (with G. C. Sresty, A. Raja), Recent Developments in Separation Science, Vol. 4, N.N. Li, S.A. Stern, R.B. Lond Ed, CRC Press, West Palm Beach, FL, pp. 93. (1978).
“Surface Active Properties of Certain Micellar Systems for Tertiary Oil Recovery,” (with H.S. Hanna, and A. Goyal), Proc. VIIth Int. Congress on Applications of Surface Active Substances, Comite International Des Derives Tensio-Actifs, pp. 892 (1978).
“Selective Flocculation of Fines,” (with P.E. Richardson), Proc. of the Symp. on The Physical Chemistry of Mineral-Reagent Interactions in Sulfide Flotation, G.R. Hyde and M.S. Ojalvo Eds., U.S. Bureau of Mines and College Park, Md, IC 8818, pp.150 (1978).
“Chelating Agents as Flotaids: LIX-Copper Minerals Systems,” (with D.R. Nagaraj and N. N. Li, J. S. Shultz, J. S. Dranoff,), Recent Developments in Separation Science, Vol. 5, CRC Press, West Palm Beach, FL, pp. 81 (1979).
“Preparation and Characterization of Clean Mineral Surfaces,” (with B.M. Moudgil), Surface Contamination, K.L. Mittal Ed., Plenum: New York, Vol. 1, pp. 457 (1979).
“Flotation of Low Grade Mussoorie Phosphate Ore,” (with D.V. Rao, M.K. Narayanan, U.B. Nayak, and K.P. Ananthapadmanabhan, and R. Mallikarjunan, Ed.) International Symposium on Resources Engineering and Technology, Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering, IIT, Bombay, pp. 61:1-14 (1979).
“Processing to Meet the Minerals Demand,” (with R. Mallikarjunan) International Symposium on Resources Engineering and Technology, Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering, IIT, Bombay, Vol. 1, pp. 5(II), 1 (1979).
“The Role of Surfactants on the Coalesence of Emulsion Droplets,” (with I.B. Ivanov, R.K. Jain), Solution Chemistry of Surfactants, K.L. Mittal Ed., Plenum: New York, Vol. 2, pp. 817 (1979).
“Principles of Selective Aggregation,” Beneficiation of Mineral Fines, N. Arbiter, Ed., AIME: New York, pp.183 (1979).
“Solution Chemistry of Surfactants and the Role of It in Adsorption and Froth Flotation in Mineral-Water Systems,” (with K.P. Ananthapadmanabhan), Solution Chemistry of Surfactants, K.L. Mittal Ed., Plenum: New York, Vol. 2, pp. 777 (1979).
“Electrochemical Aspects of Adsorption on Mineral Solids,” (with E.D. Goddard), Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, B.E. Conway and J.O’M. Bockris Eds., Plenum: New York, Number 13, p. 207 (1979).
“Principles of Flocculation, Dispersion, and Selective Flocculation,” Fine Particle Processing, AIME: New York, Vol. 2, pp. 947 (1980).
“A Study of Carrier Flotation of Clay,” (with Y.H.C. Wang), Fine Particle Processing, AIME: New York, Vol. 2, pp.1112 (1980).
“Role of Surface Chemistry of Fine Sulphides in their Flotation,” Complex Sulphide Ores, M.J. Jones Ed., IMM: London, pp. 118 (1980).
“Precipitation and Redissolution of Sulfonates and Their Role in Adsorption on Minerals,” (with M. S. Celik, and A. Goyal), Surface Phenomena in Enhanced Oil Recovery, D.O. Shah Ed., Plenum: New York, pp. 641 (1981).
“On the Solubility and Precipitation of Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate Salts in Oil Recovery Systems,” (with M. S. Celik, and I. B. Ivanov), Surface Phenomena in Enhanced Oil Recovery, D.O. Shah Ed., Plenum: New York (1981).
“Foams and Flotation,” (with M.P. Freeman and J.A. Fitzpatrick Eds.), Theory, Practice and Process Principles for Physical Separations, Engineering Foundation: New York, pp. 237 (1981).
“Thickening or Dewatering of Slow-Settling Mineral Suspensions,” Mineral Processing, J. Laskowski Ed., Elsevier: Amsterdam, Vol. 2, Part A, pp. 233 (1981).
“Effect of Chemical Additives on Wet Grinding of Iron Ore Minerals,” (with H. El-Shall, and A. Gorken), Mineral Processing, J. Laskowski, Ed., Elsevier: Amsterdam, Vol. 2, Part A, pp. 695 (1981).
“Fundamental Aspects of Dewatering Fine Particles,” Proc. of Progress in the Dewatering of Fine Particles Conference , U.S. Bureau of Mines and University of Alabama, pp. 407 (1981).
“Adsorption of Polyacrylamide on Na-Kaolinite,” (with A.F. Hollander, and C.C. Gryte), Adsorption from Aqueous Solutions, P. Tewari Ed., Plenum Press: New York, pp. 143. (1981).
“Precipitation, Redissolution, Reprecipitation of Sulfonates,” (with M.S. Celik), Proc. Vth Yugoslav Symp. on Surface Active Substances, Part 1, pp. 391 (1981).
“Effect of Polymer-Surfactant Interactions on Polymer Solution Properties,” (with B.M. Moudgil), Macromolecular Solution, R.B. Seymour and G.A. Stahl Eds., Pergamon Press: Oxford, pp.151 (1982).
“Oleate Chemistry and Hematite Flotation,” (with K.P. Ananthapadmanabhan), Interfacial Phenomena in Mineral Processing, B. Yarar and D.J. Spottiswood Ed., Engineering Foundation, NY, pp. 207 (1982).
“Energetics of Adsorption at Interfaces,” Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Metallurgical Processes, Indian Institute of Science.
“Sulfonate Precipitation -Redissolution-Reprecipitation in Inorganic Electrolytes,” (with M.S. Celik, and E.D. Manev), Interfacial Phenomena in Enhanced Oil Recovery AIChE Symp., Vol. 78, pp. 86 (1982).
“Flocculation Fundamentals,” Proc. of Consolidation and Dewatering of Fine Particles Conference , U.S. Bureau of Mines & University of Alabama, pp. 407 (1982).
“Polymer-Surfactant Interactions in the Flotation of Quartz and Hematite,” (with L.T. Lee), Proc. XIVth Int. Min. Proc. Congress , P.D.R. Maltby Ed., Paper IV-9, (1982).
“A Thermodynamic Model of Redissolution of Calcium Sulfonate Precipitates in NaCl Solutions,” (with E.D. Manev, M.S. Celik and K.P. Ananthapadmanabhan), Int. Symposium on Oil Field and Geothermal Chemistry, SPE pp. 43 (1982).
“Abstraction of Sulfonates and Dodecane by Alumina,” (with K.V. Viswanathan), Int. Symposium on Oil Field and Geothermal Chemistry, SPE, pp. 101 (1982).
“Abstraction/Deabstraction of Sulfonates by Reservior Rock Minerals in Solutions of Varying Sulfonate Concentrations,” (with H.S. Hanna), Int. Symposium On Oil Field and Geothermal Chemistry, SPE, pp. 115 (1982).
“Adsorption of Sulfonate on Kaolinite and Alumina in the Presence of Gypsum,” (with K. P. Ananthapadmanabhan and K. V. Viswanathan), Proc. Int. Symp. on Oil Field and Geothermal Chemistry, Soc. Petrol. Engineers, pp. 97-104 (1983).
“Precipitation/Redissolution phenomena in sulfonate -AlCl3 System,” (with M. S. Celik, K. P. Ananthapadmanabhan), Proc. Int. Symp. on Oil Field and Geothermal Chemistry, Soc. Petrol. Engineers/AIME, pp. 217-226 (1983).
“Fine Particles Processing,” Mineral Processing and Chemical Metallurgy, J.A. Herbst and J.D. Miller Eds. University of Utah, pp. 52 (1983).
“Mechanochemical Effect in Ultrafine Grinding,” (with H. El Shall), Ultrafine Grinding and Separation of Industrial Minerals, S.G. Malghan, AIME: New York, pp. 21 (1983).
“Carrier Flotation of Anatase from Clay and its Physicochemical Mechanisms,” (with Y. H. Chia ), Ultrafine Grinding and Separation of Industrial Minerals, S. G. Malghan, AIME: New York, pp. 117 (1983).
“Surface Chemical Characteristics and Adsorption Properties of Apatite,” (with Y. H. C. Wang), Adsorption on and Surface Chemistry of Hydroxyapatite, D.N. Misra Ed., Plenum Press: New York, pp. 129 (1984).
“Adsorption of Polyacrylamide on Kaolinite and its Flocculation and Stabilization,” (with Y. H. Chia and R. Gorelik), Polymer Adsorption and Dispersion Stability, ACS Symposium Series, E.D. Goddard and B. Vincent Eds., ACS: New York, Vol. 240, pp. 393 (1984).
“Chemistry and Applications of Chelating Agents in Flotation and Flocculation,”(with D. R. Nagaraj), Reagents in the Mineral Industry, M.J. Jones and R. Oblatt Eds., Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: London, pp. 209-220.
“Surface Precipitation of Surfactant and Inorganics on Mineral Solids and its Role in Adsorption and Flotation,” (with K. P. Ananthapadmanabhan) Proc. XVth Int. Min. Proc. Congress, Vol. 2, pp. 40 (1985).
“Calcite-Apatite Interactions and their Effects on Selective Flotation Using Oleate,” (with J. O. Amankonah and K. P. Ananthapadmanabhan), Proc. XVth Int. Min. Proc. Congress, France, Vol. 2, pp. 244 (1985).
“Morphology of Fine Particles Produced by Grinding,” (with R. Roussev), Powder Metallurgy and Related High Temperature Materials, Oxford and IBM Publishing, pp. 59 (1985).
“Aging and Beneficiation,” (with C. E. Roberts), Sample Selection, Aging and Reactivity of Coal, R. Kleine and R. Wellek Eds., J. Wiley & Sons: New York.
“Bubble and Foam Separations – Ore Flotation,” (with K.P. Ananthapadmanabhan), Handbook of Separation Process Technology, R.W. Rousseau Ed., J. Wiley & Sons: New York.
“Interactions Between Surfactants and Polymers with Reservoir Minerals,” (with P. Chandar), Solid Liquid Interactions in Porous Media, J.M. Cases Ed., Technip: Paris, pp. 411 (1985).
“Surface Interactions in Fine Particles Flotation,” Proc. Int. Conf. Mineral Science & Technology , Haughton L.F. Ed., Council for Min. Tech., S.A., Mintek 50, Vol. 1, pp. 279 (1985).
“Experimental Techniques in Flotation Basic Research,” (with K.P. Ananthapadmanabhan), Mineral Processing Handbook, Weiss Ed., AIME, pp. 30-87 (1985).
“Adsorption of Polyacrylamides on Hematite-and Silica – Effect of Polymer-Surfactant Interaction,” with (B.M. Moudgil), in Fundamentals of Adsorption by Engineering Foundation (1985).
“Effect of Chemical Additives on the Pulp Fluidity and Grinding in Wet Batch Ball Milling,” (with A. Atli), Proc. First World Congress on Particle Technology, Nurnberg, West Germany, pp. 545 (1986).
“Interfacial Adsorption of Surfactants in the Presence of Polymers and its Effect on Mineral Flotation,” (with B.M. Moudgil), Proc. Vth Int. Symp. on Surfactants in Solution, Bordeaux, France, K.L. Mittal and P. Bothorel Eds., Plenum: New York, pp. 1095 (1986).
“Advances in Phosphate Flotation,” (with B. M. Moudgil), Advances in Mineral Processing, P. Somasundaran Ed., AIME: New York, pp. 137 (1986).
“Solution Chemistry of Flotation,” (with K. P. Ananthapadmanabhan), Advances in Mineral Processing, P. Somasundaran Ed., AIME: New York, pp. 426 (1986).
“Processing of Low Quality Ores within the Environmental Constraints,” India ‘s Environment: Problems and Perspectives, B.P. Radhakrishna and K.K. Ramachandran Eds., Geological Survey of India, pp. 117 (1986).
“Role of Nanostructure of Adsorbed Layer in Lubrication,” Approaches to Modeling of Friction and Wear, F.F. Ling and C.H.T. Pan, Spinger Verlag: New York, pp. 73 (1986).
“An Overview of the ultrafine problem,” Mineral Processing at Crossroads, Wills, B. A. and Barley, R. W. eds., Nijhoff publishers, pp.1-36 (1886).
“Adsorption of Surfactants on Minerals,” (with B.M. Moudgil, and H. Soto), Reagents in Mineral Technology, P. Somasundaran and B.M. Moudgil Eds., Marcel Dekker: New York, pp. 79 (1987).
“Applications of Polymers in Mineral Processing,” (with Y. H.C. Wang and S. Acar), Future Trends in Polymer Science and Technology. Polymers: Commodities or Specialities?, Ezio Martuscelli, Carlo Marchetta and Luigi Nicolais Eds, Technomic Publishing Inc., Berlin, pp. 134-155 (1987).
“Research Needs in Flocculation,” (with B.M. Moudgil), Flocculation, Sedimentation and Consolidation, B.M. Moudgil and P. Somasundaran Eds., AIChE: New York, pp. 591 (1987).
“Mineral Solution Equilibria and the Role of it on Polymer Flocculation,” (with R. Ramachandran), Flocculation, Sedimentation and Consolidation, B.M. Moudgil and P. Somasundaran Eds, AIChE: New York, pp. 23 (1987).
“Interactions Between Dissolved Mineral Species and Surfactants in Francolite/Dolomite Flotation,” (with L. Xiao and K.V. Viswanathan) Proc. Int. Symp. on Extractive Metallurgy and Materials Science, Songren Li Ed., Changsha, China, pp. 110 (1987).
“Surfaces Forces in Solid/Liquid Seapration,” Advances in Solid/Liquid Separation – Supplement, H.S. Muralidhara Ed., Battelle Press: Columbus, OH, pp. 151 (1987).
“In-situ Investigation of Adsorbed Surfactants and Polymers on Solids in Solution,” (with J. T. Kunjappu), Proc. Int. Symp. on Adsorption, Osaka, Japan (1988).
“Investigations into the Structure of the Adsorbed Layer of Dodecylsulfate at the Alumina-Water Interface,” (P. Somasundaran, P. Chandar, N.J. Turro, and K.C. Waterman) Proc. XVIth Int. Min. Proc. Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, K.S.E. Forssberg Ed., pp. 775 (1988).
“Surfactants in Flotation,” (with R. Ramachandran) Surfactants in Chemical/Process Engineering, D.T. Wasan, M.E. Ginn, and D.O. Shah Eds., Marcel Dekker: New York, pp. 195 (1988).
“Multi-Pronged In-situ Characterization of Adsorbed Surfactant and Polymeric Molecular Films at the Solid/Liquid Interface,”(with J. T. Kunjappu), Innovations in Materials Processing using Aqueous, Colloid and Surface Chemistry, F.M. Doyle, S. Raghavan, P. Somasundaran, and G.W. Warren Eds., The Minerals, Metals & Materials Soc., pp. 31 (1988).
“Correlation of Alumina Flocculation with Adsorbed Polyacrylic Acid Conformation,” (with Y. B. Huang, and K. F. Tjipangandjara) Proc. Int. Symp. on the Production and Processing of Fine Particles, Montreal, A.J. Plumpton Ed.,, Can. Inst. of Mining & Met., pp. 269 (1988).
“CAT Scan Characterization of Sedimentation and Flocs,” (with Y. B. Huang), Proc. Trilateral Symposium on Particuology, Beijing, China, G. Jimbo, J.K. Beddow, and M. Kwauk Eds., Science Press: Beijing, pp. 60 (1988).
“Study of Adsorbed Surfactant Layers at the Solid/liquid Interface using Electron Spin Resonance,” (with C. A. Malbrel), Proc. Third International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, Sonthofen, West Germany (1989).
“Investigations into the Structure of the Adsorbed Layer of Dodecylsulfate at the Alumina-Water Interface,” (P. Somasundaran, P. Chandar, N.J. Turro, and K.C. Waterman), Surfactants in Solution, K.L. Mittal Ed., Plenum, New York, Vol. 9, pp. 339-350 (1989).
“Innovative Approaches to Elucidate Floc Structures and Polymer Conformation at Interfaces,” (with R. Ramachandran), Flocculation and Dewatering, B.M. Moudgil and B.J. Scheiner eds., Engineering Foundation, New York, pp. 21-41 (1989).
“Polymer-Surfactant Interactions in Bulk and at the Solid-Liquid Interface,” (with R. Ramachandran), Flocculation and Dewatering, B.M. Moudgil and B.J. Scheiner eds., Engineering Foundation, New York, pp. 631-643 (1989).
“Role of Polymer and Surfactant Adsorption and Microstructure of Adsorbed Layer in Solid/Liquid Separation,” (with Kuiri F. Tjipangandjara and C. Maltesh), Solid/Liquid Separation: Waste Management and Productivity Enhancement, H.S.Muralidhara ed., Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 325-342 (1989).
“In-situ Characterization of Solid-Liquid Interfaces and Adsorbed Layers,” (with A. Sivakumar), Advances in Coal and Mineral Processing Using Flotation, S. Chander and R.R. Klimpel eds., SME, Littleton, Colorado, pp. 26-32 (1989).
“Mineral Processing Applied to Advanced Materials Technology,” (with C. Maltesh), Advanced Materials – Application of Mineral and Metallurgical Processing Principles, V.I.Lakshmanan Ed., SME, Colorado, pp. 3-8 (1990).
“Effects of the Conformation of Polyacrylic Acid on the Dispersion/Flocculation of Alumina and Kaolinite Fines,” (with K.F. Tjipangandjara), Proceedings of World Congress on Particle Technology, Part III, Society of Powder Technology, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 206-213 (1990).
“Correlation of Adsorption of Surfactants with Fracture and Grinding of Quartz,”(with H. El-Shall), Advances in Fine Particles Processing, J. Hanna and Y.A. Attia Eds, Elsevier, New York, pp. 41-57 (1990).
“Surface Characterization of Surfactant-Modified Colloidal Alumina,” (with C. A. Malbrel, M. Francois, J. E. Poirier and J. M. Cases), Advances in Fine Particles Processing, J. Hanna and Y.A. Attia (eds), Elsevier, New York, pp. 193-201 (1990).
“Effects of Polyacrylic Acid Concentration on its Conformation and on the Stability of Alumina Suspensions,” (with Kuiri F. Tjipangandjara), Advances in Fine Particles Processing, J. Hanna and Y.A. Attia (eds), Elsevier, New York, pp. 259-268 (1990).
“Selective Deslimings of Fine Iron Ores Based on Aggregation Between Magnetite and Hematite,” (with Q. Xu, M. J. Zhang, and J. K. Lou), Advances in Fine Particles Processing, J. Hanna and Y.A. Attia (eds), Elsevier, New York, pp. 323-331 (1990).
“Effect of Bacterial Conditioning of Sphalerite and Galena with Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans on their Floatability,” (with M. K. Yelloji Rao, and K. A. Natarajan), Proc. Engineering Foundation Conf on Mineral Bioprocessing, R. W Smith and M. Misra (eds), pp. 105-120 (1991).
“Thermodynamic Studies of Adsorption and Micellization of Alkyl Xylene Sulfonates,” (with A. Sivakumar, and S. Thach), Surfactants in Solution, K. L. Mittal and D.O. Shah (eds), Plenum Press, New York, Vol.11, pp. 293-302 (1991).
“Ultra Fine Grinding of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia in Polyacrylic Acid Solutions,” (with B. Lartiges), Comminution, S. K. Kawatra (ed), ME, Colorado, pp. 585-598 (1992).
“Thermodynamic Study of Adsorption of Anionic-Nonionic Surfactant Mixtures at the Alumina-water Interface,”(with Edward Fu, and Qun Xu), Mixed Surfactant Systems, P.M. Holland and D.N. Rubingh (eds), ACS, Washington D.C., pp. 366-376 (1992).
“Size of Tetradecyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide Aggregates on Polyacrylic Acid in Solution by Dynamic Fluorescence,” (with J. J. Kiefer, and K.P. Ananthapadmanabhan), Polymer Solutions, Blends and Interfaces, I. Noda and D.N. Rubingh (eds), Elsevier, pp. 423-444 (1992).
“Mineral Aggregate Formation and the Measurement of Aggregate Size,” (with R. Ramachandran), Coagulation and Flocculation: Theory and Applications, P. Dobias Ed, Surfactant Science Series, Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 627-652 (1992).
“An Overview of Current and Emerging Solid-Liquid Separation Techniques,” (with T.V. Vasudevan), Emerging Separation Technologies for Metals and Fuels, V.I. Lakshmanan, R.G. Bautista and P. Somasundaran Eds., The Minerals, Metals & Materials Soc., Pennsylvania, pp. 395-408 (1993).
“Principles, Techniques and Recent Advances in Finite Particle Aggregation for Solid-Liquid Separation,” (with T. V. Vasudevan), Proceedings of the first Hanford Separation Science Workshop, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Battele, II.99 – 104 (1993).
“Characterization of Surfactant and Polymer Aggregates at the Ceramic Solid-Solution Interface Using In-situ Spectroscopic Techniques,” (with C. Maltesh), Handbook on Characterization Techniques for the Solid-Solution Interface, J.H. Adair, J.A. Casey and S. Venigalla (eds), American Ceramic Society, Ohio (1993).
“Chelating Agents for Selective Flotation of Minerals,” (with D. R. Nagaraj, and O.E. Kuzugudenli), Proceedings of the XVIII Mineral Processing Congress, Australasia Mining Institute, Sydney, pp. 577-585 (1993).
“Adsorption of Nonionic Surfactants, Anionic/Nonionic Surfactant Mixtures, and Hydrophobically Modified Polymers on Minerals and its Effect on Their Flotation and Dispersion,” (with Qun Xu), Proceedings of the XVIII Mineral Processing Congress, Australasia Mining Institute, Sydney, pp. 601-606 (1993).
Solution Chemistry of Mineral Reagent Systems, P. Somasundaran, D. Wang and Liping Xiao, Elsevier (1993).
“Desulphurization of Coal,” (with M. S. Celik), Coal, O. Kural (ed), Istanbul Technical University, pp. 253-269 (1994).
Wetting and Interfacial Phenomena , P. Somasundaran, J.D. Morrison and J.F. Olivers (eds), Elsevier Publications, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (1994).
Surface Characterization of Adsorption and Interfacial Reactions , P. Somasundaran, J.D. Miller and J.J. Keller (eds), Elsevier Publications, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (1994).
Atomic Force Microscopy, P. Somasundaran and G.J. Vansco (eds), Elsevier Publications, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (1994).
Applied Surfactant Science, P. Somasundaran, D.I. Devore J.C.T. Kwak and W. von Rybinski (eds), Elsevier Publications, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (1994).
“Reagents of Biological Origin in Metallurgy,” (with M. K. Yelloji), Reagents for Better Metallurgy, M.S. Prasad (ed), Rao, SME, pp. 256-261 (1994).
“Role of Water in the Dispersion of Oxides in Non-aqueous Media,” (with C. A. Malbrel, and S. Krishnakumar), Dispersion and Aggregation: Fundamentals and Applications, B.M. Moudgil and P. Somasundaran Eds., Engineering Foundation, New York, pp.75-92 (1994).
“Enhanced Flocculation and Dispersion of Colloidal Suspensions through Manipulation of Polymer Conformation,” (with T. V. Vasudevan, and K. F. Tjipangandjara), Dispersion and Aggregation: Fundamentals and Applications,B.M. Moudgil and P. Somasundaran (eds), Engineering Foundation, New York, pp. 403-418 (1994).
“Spectroscopic Characterization of Surfactant and Polymer Solloids at Solid-Liquid Interfaces,” (with S. Krishnakumar, and Joy. T. Kunjappu), Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization, R. Sharma (ed.), ACS Symposium Series 615, pp. 104-137 (1995).
“Interactions Between Pentadecylethoxylated Nonylphenol(NP-15) and Tetradecyltrimethylammonium Chloride (TTAC) Mixtures at the Alumina-Water Interface,” (with A. Lei Huang, and C. Maltesh), Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization, R. Sharma (ed.), CS Symposium Series 615, pp. 241- 254 (1995).
“Dissolved Mineral Species Precipitation During Coal Flotation,” (with D. Liu), Proceedings of the XIX International Mineral Processing Congress, Chapter 10, pp. 67-71.
“Deposition of Latex Particles; Theoretical and Experimental Aspects,” (with S. Shrotri, and K.P. Ananth), Proceedings of Mineral Processing: Recent Advances and Future Trends, S.P. Mehrotra and R. Sekhar (eds.), Allied Publishers, Kanpur, India (1995).
“Recent Advances in Power Requirement and Power (Product) Characteristics of Stirred Media Mills,” (with Zheng. J.and Harris. C. C.), Proceedings of Mineral Processing: Recent Advances and Future Trends, S.P. Mehrotra and R. Sekhar (eds.), Allied Publishers, Kanpur, India, (1995).
“Grinding Aids: A Review of Their Use, Effects and Mechanisms,” (with S. Shrotri), Selected Topics in Mineral Processing, Pradip and R. Kumar (eds.), Wiley Eastern India Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 47 (1995).
“Colloidal Systems and Interfaces: Stability of Dispersions through polymer and Surfactant Adsorption,” (with B. Markovic, S. Krishnakumar and X. Yu), Handbook of Surface and Colloid Chemistry, K. S. Birdi ed., CRC Press (1997).
“Interfacial Properties of Calcium Phosphates,” (with B. Markovic), Calcium Phosphates in industrial, Environmental and Biological Systems, Chapter 5, Z. Amjad ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA (1997).
“Oxide Mineral Flotation Fundamentals,” in “ Advances in Flotation Technology,” B. K. Parekh and J. D. Miller, ed., (with A. Lou), SME, pp. 23-43 (1999).
“Fluorescence and ESR Spectroscopy,” (with Lei Huang, and A. Fan), Surfactant Science Series, Bernard P. Binks ed., Marcel Dekker: New York, Vol. 83, pp. 213 (1999).
“Monitoring the conformation of dispersant molecules for enhanced stability and rheology of slurries,” (with K. K. Das, and L. Huang), Advances in process Measurements for the Ceramic Industry, ISBN 1-57498-086-6, pp. 155-175, published by The American Ceramic Society (1999).
“Properties of Surfactant Mixtures,” (with L. Huang), Surfactants, A Practical Handbook, K. R. Lange, Ed., published by Hanser Gardner Publications, Inc, Cinicinnati, pp. 204-224 (1999).
“Role of Surface Chemistry of Phosphate in Its Beneficiation,” (with L. Zhang), in “Beneficiation of Phosphates, Advances in Research and Practice,” edited by P. Zhang, H. El-Shall and R. Wiegel, published by Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., Littleton, CO, pp. 141-154 (1999).
“Reagent Adsorption on Phosphates,” (with L. Zhang), in “Encyclopedia of Separation Science” edited by I. D. Wilson et al, Academic Press. San Diego, CA, pp. 1562-1572 (2000).
“Modification of Silica-Water Interfacial Behavior by Adsorption of Surfactants, Polymers, and their Mixtures,” (with L. Zhang), Adsorption on Silica Surfaces, Edited by Eugene Papirer, Marcel Dekker, Inc, pp. 441-462 (2000).
“Selective Flocculation of Fines,” (with V. Runkana), Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Edited by Guan-zhou Qiu, Yue-hua Hu, Wen-qing Qin, ISSN 1003-6326, Special Issue, Vol.10, pp. 8-11 (2000).
“Utility of Bioreagents in the Mineral Processing,” (with N. Deo, and K. A. Natarajan), Mineral Biotechnology – Micorbial Aspects of Mineral Beneficiation, metal Extraction, and Environmental Control, edited by S. K. Kawatra and K. A. Natarajan, published by Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., Littleton, Colorado, pp. 221-227 (2001).
“Monitoring of Adsorbed Polymer Conformation in Concentrated Suspensions,” (with A. M. Campbell, and Z. Pan), Polymers in Particulate Systems properties and applications, Edited by Vincent A. Hackley, P. Somasundaran, Jennifer A. Lewis, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp.135-156 (2002).
“Colloid Systems and Interfaces – Stability of Dispersions through Polymer and Surfactant Adsorption,” (with Markovic, B., Yu, X. and Krishnakumar, S.), Handbook of Surface and Colloid Chemistry, 2nd. Ed., Edited by K.S. Birdi, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 387 – 435 (2002).
“Interactions of Gum Depressants with Talc: Study of Adsorption by Spectroscopic and Allied Techniques” (with Wang, J., Nagaraj, D.R., Zhang, L. and Chen, T.), MPT – 2002 Proceedings of the International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology; edited by Subramanian, Natarajan, B.S. Rao and T.R.R. Rao, Volume 1, pp. 1-9 (2002).
“Principles of Mineral Processing,” (Maurice C. Fuerstenau), Flotation, Chapter 8, p. 245-306, (2003).
“Interactions between surfactants and polymers and nanogels: Mechanisms of nanotuning for extraction/delivery,” (with Q. Qiu, F. Liu and C.C. Gryte), Proceedings of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists Annual Scientific Seminar May 8-9, 2003, pp. 31-32 (2003).
“Surface and Interfacial Tension: Measurement, Theory, and Applications,” (with Q. Zhou), Surfactant Science Series, Volume 119, Edited by Stanley Hartland, Marcel Dekker Inc. (2004).
“Flocculation and Dispersion of Colloidal Suspensions by Polymers and Surfactants: Experimental and Modeling Studies,” (with V. Runkana and P. C. Kapur), Coagulation and Flocculation 2 nd Edition, edited by Stechemesser and Dobias, Surfactant Science Series, Volume 126, pp. 767-803 (2005).
“Adsorption of surfactants and polymers on silica,” (with Lei Zhang), Chapter in ‘Colloidal Silica: Fundamentals and Applications’ Eds. H. E. Bergna and W. O. Roberts, pp 531-534 (2006).
“Novel nanogels for drug binding and delivery,” (P. Somasundaran, Fang Liu, Soma Chakraborty, Carl C. Gryte, Namita Deo and T. Somasundaran), Chapter in “Polymeric Drug Delivery II, Polymeric Matrices and Drug Particle Engineering,” ACS Symposium Series 924, pp. 69-87 (2006).
“Nanoparticles for Cosmetics and Personal Care Formulations,” (P. Somasundaran, S. Chakraborty, P. Deo, N. Deo and T. Somasundaran), in Skin Delivery Systems: Transdermals, Dermatologicals, and Cosmetic Actives, edited by John J. Wills, First Edition, pp. 247-256 (2006).
“Gemini Surfactants,” (Qiong Zhou and P. Somasundaran), in the Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, Edited by P. Somasundaran, 2 nd Edition, Volume 4, pp. 2697-2710 (2006).
“Contribution of Surfactants to Personal Care Products,” (P. Somasundaran, Soma Chakraborty, Puspendu Deo, Namita Deo and Tamara Somasundaran), in “ Surfactants in Personal Care Products and Decorative Cosmetics,” 3 rd Edition; Editors: Linda D. Rhein, Anthony O’Lenick, Mitchell Schlossman and P. Somasundaran; Volume 135, Taylor & Francis Group, pp121-135 (2006).
“Emulsions and Their Behavior,” (P. Somasundaran, Thomas H. Wines, Somil C. Mehta, Nissim Garti and Raymond Farinato), in “ Surfactants in Personal Care Products and Decorative Cosmetics,” 3 rd Edition; Editors: Linda D. Rhein, Anthony O’Lenick, Mitchell Schlossman and P. Somasundaran; Volume 135, Taylor & Francis Group, pp149-175 (2006).
“Role of Surfactant Micelle Charge in Protein Denaturation and Surfactant-Induced Skin Irritation,” (A. Lips, K.P. Ananthapadmanabhan, M. Vethamuthu, X.Y. Hua, L. Yang, C. Vincent, N. Deo and P. Somasundaran), in “ Surfactants in Personal Care Products and Decorative Cosmetics,” 3 rd Edition; Editors: Linda D. Rhein, Anthony O’Lenick, Mitchell Schlossman and P. Somasundaran; Volume 135, Taylor & Francis Group, pp177-187 (2006).
“Mechanisms Involved in Reactive Flotation,” (H. El-Shall, R. Stana and P. Somasundaran), in “Beneficiation of Phosphates: Technology and Sustainability,” Editors: Patrick Zhang, Jan Miller, Hassan El-Shall and Regis Stana, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration Inc. (SME), pp 37-47 (2006).
“Adsorption of Surfactants and its Influence on the Hydrodynamics of Flotation,” (P. Somasundaran, L. Zhang, T.W. Healy, W. Ducker, R. Herrera-Urbina and M.C. Fuerstenau), in “Forth Flotation: A Century of Innovation,” Editors: M.C. Fuerstenau, G. Jameson and Roe-Hoon Yoon; Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration Inc. SME; pp. 179-225 (2007).
“Flotation Chemistry and Technology of Nonsulfide Minerals,” (J.D. Miller, N. Abdel Khalek, C. Basilio, H. El-Shall, K. Fa, K.S.E. Forssberg, M.C. Fuerstenau, S. Mathur, J. Nalaskowski, K.H. Rao, P. Somasundaran, X. Wang and P. Zhang), in “Forth Flotation: A Century of Innovation,” Editors: M.C. Fuerstenau, G. Jameson and Roe-Hoon Yoon; Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration Inc. SME; pp. 465-553 (2007).
“Effect of Surfactant and Polymer Nanostructures on Frictional Properties,” P. Somasundaran and Parag Purohit, Surfactants in Surfactants Tribology ed. Girma Biresaw and K.L. Mittal, Taylor & Francis Group, 431-436 (2008).
“Mechanism of Stabilization of Silicone Oil-Water Emulsions Using Hybrid Siloxane Polymers”, Somil C. Mehta and P. Somasundarana, Langmuir, 24(9), 4558-4563, 2008 (March 2008).
“Colloid Systems and Interfaces Stability of Dispersions through Polymer and Surfactant Adsorption,” P. Somasundaran, Somil C. Mehta, X. Yu, and S. Krishnakumar, Handbook of Surface and Colloid Chemistry, Third Edition, 155-194 (2008).
“Mechanism of Stabilization of Silicone Oil-Water Emulsions Using Hybrid Siloxane Polymers”, Somil C. Mehta and P. Somasundaran, Langmuir, 24(9), 4558-4563, 2008.
“Effect of Surfactant and Polymer Nanostructures on Frictional Properties,” P. Somasundaran and Parag Purohit, Surfactants in Tribology, ed. Girma Biresaw and K.L. Mittal, 431-436, 2008.
“Colloid Systems and Interfaces Stability of Dispersions through Polymer and Surfactant Adsorption,” P. Somasundaran, Somil C. Mehta, X. Yu, and S. Krishnnakumar, Handbook of Surface and Colloid Chemistry, Third Edition , 2008.
“Fluorescence Probing of the Surfactant Assemblies in Solutions and the Solid-Liquid Interfaces,” (P.K. Misra and P. Somasundaran), in Interfacial Processes and Molecular Aggregation of Surfactants, ed. R. Narayanan, Berlin: Springer, pp. 143-188, (2008).
“Aggregation of Colloids: Recent Developments in Population Balance Modeling,” (Ponisseril Somasundaran and Venkataramana Runkana), Chapter 13 in Highlights in Colloid Science, ed. Dimo Platikanov and Dotchi Exerowa. Weinheim: Wiley, pp. 261-278, (2009).
“Surfactants/Hybrid Polymers and Their Nanoparticles,” (P. Somasundaran and P. Deo), Chapter 11 in Particulate Systems in Nano- and Biotechnologies, ed. Wolfgang Sigmund, Brij. M. Moudgil, Hassan El-Shall, Dinesh O. Shah. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 241-253, (2009).
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Cardiovascular Effects: Making Sense of the Evidence. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2010. (Book reviewer; acknowledged in preface.)
Somasundaran, P. and Venkataramana Runkwana. “Interactions of Polyelectrolytes with Particulate Matter in Aqueous Systems.” The Science and Technology of Industrial Water Treatment. Ed. Zahid Amjad. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2010.
Somasundaran, P., M. Chin, U.T. Latosiewicz, H. L. Tuller, B. Barbiellini, and V. Renugopalakrishnan, “Nanoscience and Engineering for Robust Biosolar Cells,” Bionanotechnology Global Prospects II, Ed. David E. Reisner, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2012.
Patra, P.; T. Bhambani; M. Vasudevan; D. R. Nagaraj; P. Somasundaran; and Z. Dai, “Impact of Aspect Ration of Fibrous Serpentines in the Benefication of Ultramafic Ni Ores,” in New Technology Implementation in Metallurgical Processes, Eds. B.R. Davis and J.P.T. Kapusta, Proceedings of the Conference of Metallurgists published by Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, pp.171-180, (2011).
Vasudevan, M.; P. Patra; T. Bhambani; D.R. Nagaraj; and P. Somasundaran, “Processing of Ultramafic Ni Ores: A Typical Grade-Recovery Curves,” in New Technology Implementation in Metallurgical Processes, Eds. B.R. Davis and J.P.T. Kapusta, Proceedings of the Conference of Metallurgists published by Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, pp. 181-192, (2011).
Somasundaran, P., M. Chin, U.T. Latosiewicz, H. L. Tuller, B. Barbiellini, and V. Renugopalakrishnan, “Nanoscience and Engineering for Robust Biosolar Cells,” Bionanotechnology Global Prospects II, Ed. David E. Reisner, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2012
Trojer, M. A., & Somasundaran, P. (2013). Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science.
Ruso, Juan M. (Editor) and Angel Pineiro (Editor) (2013). Proteins in Solution and at Interfaces: Methods and Applications in Biotechnology and Materials Science. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Somasundaran, P. Patra, D.J. Albino, and I.M. Nambi. “Microbially Derived Biosurfactants: Sources, Design, and Structure-Property Relationships” Chapter in Surfactant Science and Technology: Retrospects and Prospects. CRC Press (2014).