Hello, I am Jiawei (Phoenix) MA, a final-year CS Ph.D. candidate in DVMM Lab at Columbia University, advised by Prof. Shih-Fu Chang.  My areas of interest include Computer vision and Deep Learning. My research direction includes learning mechanisms (e.g., de-centralized AI, AI feedback) for reliable life-long learning, and multi-modal representation learning & data mining. I can speak English, Chinese and a bit Korean. 


Before my doctorate program,  I work on computational imaging and I am fortunate to be instructed by Prof. Xin Yuan in Westlake University.

Please check Research and News for details of research projects and recent posts.


  • [Jun. 2024] Doctoral Consortium CVPR’24 (Incoming), “MoDE: CLIP Data Experts via Clustering”
  • [Feb. 2024] Hong Kong Baptist University, “Learning with AI Feedback on Data Use” [Link]
  • [Feb. 2024] Colorado School of Mines, “Learning with AI Feedback on Data Use”
  • [Jan. 2024] Peking University, “Self-Adaptive Artificial Intelligence via Data-Model Interaction”
  • [Apr. 2023] Virginia Tech, “Efficient Adaptation for Multi-Modal Video Understanding”