Call for Papers on Transnational Organized Crime
Monday, October 22nd, 2012
The Journal of International Affairs web component, JIA Online, is accepting submissions for publication in conjunction with the release of the fall/winter print issue on transnational organized crime.
Authors are encouraged to submit academic articles, opinion pieces, and photo essays covering the relationship between transnational organized crime and the following topics:
1. Technology
2. Terrorism
3. Weapons trafficking
4. Human trafficking
5. National or international law or policy
6. State institutions
Contributions may cover another aspect of transnational organized crime. Interested authors are encouraged to contact the Journal—before writing the article—to discuss the subject of their paper.
Paper Guidelines:
The submission deadline is 30 November 2012. Contributions must be submitted in a text document—e.g. docx, pdf, or rtf—to the online managing editor, Eric Smyth, at [email protected].
The submission deadline is 30 November 2012. Contributions must be submitted in a text document—e.g. docx, pdf, or rtf—to the online managing editor, Eric Smyth, at [email protected].
Essay submissions should be 2,000 to 3,000 words in length, well written and argued, and structurally sound. Analyses, photo essays, letters to the editors, and opinion pieces should be 750 to 1,500 words in length. Though the Journal fact-checks all submissions under consideration, authors are ultimately responsible for the veracity of their statements. Journal citation format adheres to the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition. Authors should include an abstract with essay submissions and a bio with all submissions.
Founded in 1947, the Journal of International Affairs is a leading foreign affairs periodical edited by graduate students at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs. The Journal is published bi-annually and has readership in over eighty countries. It has earned worldwide recognition for its unique single-topic format, and for framing heated debates in international affairs for over sixty-five years. JIA Online is the online component of the Journal, with the purpose of expanding the debate on the topics covered in the print issue.