My short story “Grasshopper” was published back in 2013 in Jonathan Issue 04: A Journal of Gay Fiction. Click on the link if you’re interested in ordering a copy from Sibling Rivalry Press. Here’s an excerpt from the story:
For such a violent act, he did it with the most delicate precision I’d ever seen, snatching a grasshopper up from the ground and flicking it against our electric fence in one swift move, watching its twitchy little legs pop off. A single line of juiced barbed wire enclosed the pasture, keeping the cows and lone bull safely confined. “You got your eyes open?” he’d ask, hunching down near the fence, his left hand balanced on one knee as he searched through the grass. They were everywhere, so it never took him long. Wade liked performing such tricks, all to the morbid delight of my eleven-year-old eyes. I wouldn’t touch the alien insects, no matter how many times he tried to show me how to flick them just right.
I wrote this story a number of years ago .. I really like it and hope you do too! Again, if you want to read the full story, the issue it ran in is still available for purchase. Just follow this link.