We welcome Simran Jeet Singh to our Religious Life Adviser Team!

The Office of the University Chaplain promotes the common spiritual life of the University, while also designing and directing programs that minister to the needs of students’ individual faiths.  The office is supported in this mission by the work of our Religious Life Advisers (RLA’s), a group of clergy and spiritual advisers from the various faith groups represented on campus. Supported by sending organizations outside of the university, RLA’s help to lead religious services, organize programming, and provide spiritual counseling on campus.

To date, Columbia’s RLA team has lacked a representative from the Sikh tradition. The addition of Simran Jeet Singh, who’s sending organization is The Sikh Coalition, remedies this lack while also bringing to our campus community a religious leader of both local and international renown. Conversations with Dr. Singh began early during the fall semester, and the recently completed application process included student feedback in the form of supporting signatures.

We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Singh to this role within our Office. His presence will not only provide further support for one of our most active religious communities on campus, but will also enrich the broader university family.