Editor’s note from CNN: Yaffa Fogel is a recent graduate of Barnard College with a degree in Intellectual History. She has worked as a curatorial assistant for the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial in Hamburg, Germany, and as a teacher in Brooklyn, New York. She currently lives in Berlin, Germany, where she works at an education nonprofit. The views expressed in this commentary belong to the author. View more opinions at CNN.

“(CNN)I decided to visit Halle, Germany, shortly after moving to Berlin. I am one of a growing number of Jewish expats in Berlin, excited by the cultural outlets of the city, the cheaper rents and the diverse and open-minded Jewish life. Two weeks ago, an opportunity arose to visit a small, Russian-speaking Jewish community from the former USSR living in Halle to spend Yom Kippur with them. Our delegation was supposed to bring life and song to one of the most important days on the Jewish calendar…

“Halle survivor: Gun control saved my life – CNN”