Multilingual text canon Zhiyuanlu

Zhiyuanlu 至元录/Zhiyuan fabao kantong zonglu至元法宝勘同总录

Comparative catalogue of Tibetan and Chinese Buddhist canons and reconstitution of Sanskrit titles supported by Qubilai Khan (d. 1294) under the direction of ‘Phags pa and with the assistance of Chinese, Tibetan and Uighur Buddhists. Preserved in the Chinese Buddhist canon, Taisho vol. 99, number 25, in ten juan.


Françoise Wang-Toutain, “Circulation du savior entre la Chine, la Mongolie, et le Tibet au XVIIe siècle. Le prince Mgon-po skyabs.” Études chinoises, vol XXIV, (2005), 57-111, which cites Huang Hao Zai Beijing de Zangzu wenwu (1993), p. 55.