
Cluster Leader Robert Pollack Collaborates with American Folk Art Museum

Science and Subjectivity Cluster Leader Robert Pollack, along with Cluster Advisory Board Member Amy Pollack are collaborating with the American Folk Art Museum and participating in the “Exploring the Poetical Sciences: The Story of Edward and Orra White Hitchcock” symposium to be held September 17, 2018.

The symposium is being held in conjunction with the exhibit “Charting the Divine Plan: The Art of Orra White Hitchcock (1796–1863)” which explores the confluence of art, love, science, and religion in the extraordinary art of Orra White Hitchcock, one of America’s first female scientific illustrators. During the half-day syposium, Robert Pollack and Amy Pollack will present their book “The Course of Nature: A Book of Drawings on Natural Selection and Its Consequences.” Together as an artist and a scientist, they ask “how did we get here and what made makes me different from the rest of Nature?” among only inquiries with full respect for all contexts, both scientific and not. Amy Pollack’s figures stand on their own as elegant summaries of one or another aspect of Nature and our place in it. Meanwhile, Robert Pollack’s one-page essays for each illustration lay out the underlying scientific issues along with the overarching moral context for these issues.

For more information about the symposium and exhibit, visit the event webpage.

@ 2018 The Center of Science and Society at Columbia University
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