What do you think?

Check out PW.com here: here to read about the editorial decision to eliminate slanderous words from Mark Twain’s classic Huckleberry Finn.

What do you think about this decision?

Interested to learn more about Digital Publishing?

come to this event at Sothebys Institute New York on January 20th from 3:30pm-6:30pm.  Registration required: see below.

The First NYC Digital Show and Tell – eBooks, eReaders, and Digital Content Publishing (New York, NY) – Meetup.

Hope to see you there!

Recent Finds

Check out WeBook, a site which calls itself a “Writing community for writers, readers and literary agents” where you can “submit works, read and rate writings.”  On the PageToFame section writers can post their work (for a minimal fee) to be rated by WeBook users.  In the first round the first page is reviewed by users on a 5-point scale, if it does well readers judge a 5-page sample, and then the full piece.  A panel of professional literary agents will review the best-rated pieces.  Is this a backdoor to being discovered?  Not really, but it might be a good way to test the appeal of your work and push yourself to create a greater online presence.  As a reader you are able to see the percentage of readers who voted like you after you cast your vote, and thereby compare your opinion.

Overall Impression: Writers are not judged on a professional scale until they make it through many rounds, and are given minimal feedback, and beginning readers are only able to compare their ratings to the general readership and not the professional agents’ opinions, but still Worth checking out and a much better way to waste time than Facebook.