Quarto's Second Annual S&M Night!

Head on over to facebook to sign up to read or just to attend our Second Annual soiree!

Here are the details:

If you’d like to read please email [email protected] (or use this) with your name and the title of your piece.
Please limit reading to 3-minutes.
Readers may also sign-up at the door, but space is not guaranteed. We regret the necessity to cap our amount of readers, but we must do what we must do! First come, first serve ♥

HERE’S THE KICK: Audience members will vote on their favorite reading, and that piece will be published in the upcoming edition of QUARTO.

READING IS NOT NECESSARY TO ATTEND! Feel free to come join the audience and meet members of the literary community here on campus.


you can RSVP on facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=393639865202&ref=mf

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