GIS Trainings!

Exciting events are coming in the next few weeks! In cooperation with MEss (Monitoring & Evaluation Student Society), we are going to have trainings and a brownbag lunch on GIS, which was the most requested training topic. The trainings are tailored those who want a basic or more intermediate understanding of GIS, and the brownbag will help you understand how GIS is being used in the field. Hopefully, these events will give you a leg up on the competition as you apply for summer internship. Looking forward to see […]

So Long 2012, Hello 2013!

Updated on 1/22/13 to reflect a change in leadership. Happy New Year everyone! In case you have not seen it elsewhere, there is a new board in place for 2013, made up of talented and passionate students. They are: Jesper Frant: President Rachana Kumar: Vice President Le Chen : Communications Dhwani Bafna: Treasurer Camille Francois: Policy Director Janice Dean: Trainings / Events head They can properly introduce themselves and their plans once the spring semester begins; for now, I just wanted to say it has been […]

Innovating Mobile Tech for Development Competition

Interested in mobile technology? Did our post about Maximizing Mobile peak your interest and get your creative juices flowing? Now is your chance: this semester, the New Media Task Force is holding its first pitch competition, “Innovating Mobile Tech for Development Competition.” The Innovating Mobile Tech for Development Competition encourages current university students from diverse universities and backgrounds to explore the development field through technology. We are calling for innovative mobile application designs that seek to address a specific need, whether political, economic, or social. […]

Crisis Mapping Introduction: Recap

Thanks to all of our new Crisis Mappers for coming out last night to NMTF (New Media Task Force)’s  kickoff meeting! We thought it would be helpful to add the links and some of the details from the presentation here on the blog, so you can review and delve further into the topics we discussed. Crisis Mapping: What is it? “Crisis Mappers leverage mobile & web-based applications, participatory maps & crowdsourced event data, aerial & satellite imagery, geospatial platforms, advanced visualization, live simulation, and computational & statistical models […]