The Spanish Language Program at Columbia University

Frequently Asked Questions
Placement, Registration, and the Change of Program Period

Attendance Policies for Students on Wait Lists

Spots that may open in a full section during the Change of Program period are reserved for:

  1. students who need these courses to fulfill a degree requirement
  2. and students who have kept perfect attendance from the first day of class.

Click here for further information about attendance policies during the Change of Program period for registered and wait listed students.

All Columbia students must take language courses (Spanish UN 1101 thru Spanish UN 3300) for a letter grade.

Click the Registration menu above for further details for your college or school.

Placement Essentials
1. All undergraduate and graduate students must take the placement test (a maximum of once per academic year), unless you have taken the previous course in the sequence at Columbia or Barnard.
2. You must save a screen capture of your placement exam results, print a copy, and submit the copy to your instructor on the first day of class.
3. To take the placement exam: Columbia students click here; Barnard students click here.
4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about placement [e.g. Advanced Placement (AP) exam exemption and credits) are available here.]

For additional information, please refer to the following resources:

The Language Requirement  The Placement Exam
Study Abroad and the Spanish Language Requirement Barnard Procedures and FAQs