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Navigating as Curating

I’ve commented elsewhere on the ills of lockstep illustration, in which talks are rendered as they are given. Not only does it betray a lack of faith in the audience, but it is also demeaning to the power of images. I recall a class I suffered, on “learning” in which the slides would be handed to us as notes, and then the material read as a lecture. Triplicate. Each as uneventful as the others. There’s nothing so horrifying as the pedagogy of education itself…

So perhaps I take a perverse pleasure in the idea of sharing the visuals from a panel discussion I participated in, without the accompanying commentary. On the one hand, it is likely to make little sense, but on the other…

I’ll just introduce it by saying that we were playing with the notion of closing the gap between front and back end of software and trying to situate it within a theory of cultural and educational space and practice.

Also, there are ducks.

Categories: Educational Technology.

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