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Get Excited and Make Things: Mendeley’s API is public…

Think Social Media meets Citation Management. Keep track of your citations while seeing what others are looking at.

Mendeley is making some smart choices, amongst them making their API public. Think of what you could do with this data. And the impact it could have on how we do research and collaboration.

I’ve already got a few ideas…

Here’s their announcement:

Get Excited and Make Things: Mendeley is a research platform | Mendeley Blog.

In the meantime, set up an account and play around with it. And feel free to say hello.

Chris Moffett

And just for kicks, here are two groups I’ve created:

Edutecture: On the intersection of architecture and education

Philosophy and Education: On the intersection of, uhm…

Like I said, they are making some smart choices and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them get some real traction.

Categories: Educational Technology.

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