Mariel Safdie Guttmann and Maurice Guttmann, LL.M.s 2019

Hometown: Sao Paulo, Brazil.  


Focus Area: Mariel works with privacy litigation. Maurice works with corporate law, focusing on M&A and lately with shareholder activism.


Experience Prior to LL.M.

We were both lawyers in Sao Paulo. Mariel worked in a boutique law firm called Moraes Pitombo Advogados, handling white collar and privacy litigation matters. Maurice worked at the M&A practice of Pinheiro Neto Advogados, a leading Brazilian firm.



Why Columbia?

New York is the heart of the world, a vibrant city with endless opportunities. Columbia adds to this sum a combination of very interesting people and an impressive offering of courses in both corporate law and technology, setting both of us for our academic and professional goals.



Most Memorable CLS Experience

Mariel’s father asked for permission to attend a corporations class Maurice was taking. Maurice sat in class nervous that he would be cold called not only in front of his colleagues, as usual, but that time also in front of his father-in-law. At some point, Maurice took the courage to raise his hand and ask a question – appraised by the Professor as an “excellent” one. Maurice still wonders if the Professor made the remark out of compassion to him. Anyway, the question ended up being part of the course’s final exam.

Jokes apart, the LL.M. is filled with memorable experiences: Orientation, the Halloween party, having a drink with Dean Polo at Harlem Tavern, spring break, the Barrister’s Ball, and many others – we don’t want to give any spoilers! But if we were to choose one, it would be the law school graduation ceremony – the moment it dawned on us how much we learned, our personal growth throughout that year and, most important, the strong relationships we built.



Life After LL.M.

Big Law. Maurice is at Cadwalader, working at their corporate group, and Mariel is at White & Case, handling privacy litigation. In our free time, we try to make the most out of New York and enjoy our friends who are still here – and, of course, the ones that come back to visit every now and then.