
Membership information

Regular Member:

  • Receive our weekly newsletter to obtain the most updated news from us.
  • No interview or specific requirement, welcome to all events.
  • NO FEE.

Executive Board Member:

  • For those who have passion, interest, and time to organize activities with the 2nd year board members.
  • Will become mentees and learn how to properly organize activities under the rules and policies of our school.
  • At the end of this year, we will hold elections to generate next year’s executive committee.
  • NO FEE.




Columbia Statistics Club believes that through commitment and hard work, we can have a positive contribution to our University and our community.
We are an ASGC-recognized student body and we are open to all graduate students who are interested in learning more about statistics. We provide connections, promote events as well as develop tools to enhance everyone’s learning experience.