Ottaways Give $200K for SIPA Fellowships


This week, Noelle Bannister reports that David ’72GSAS and Marina Ottaway ’74GSAS have pledged $200,000 to support fellowships for students at the School of International and Public Affairs.

This gift will be counted as part of SIPA’s 70 by 70 Fellowship Campaign to increase the recruitment and retention of top students from around the world, specifically by creating 70 new fellowships by the school’s 70th anniversary in 2017.

The Ottaways have long supported students and programs at Columbia, with a focus on promoting diversity among the student body. Prior to this pledge, the couple established three fellowships that support graduate students at SIPA and the school’s International Fellows Program.

“We are grateful that David and Marina continue to invest in SIPA’s students,” said Bannister, the school’s director of development. “This support helps SIPA continue to maintain its vibrant international community.”

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