Objective: Overall objective is to help dental students develop their knowledge base by becoming more efficient users of resources and services available to them at the Knowledge Center/Augustus C. Long Health Sciences Library. The students will:

  • Apply appropriate tools to answer specific clinical questions
  • Explore select databases, e-books and print collections available
  • Understand the fundamentals of creating a search strategy
  • Know where to go for additional assistance
Case: A 68 year-old male with a history of oral cancer is referred to you for evaluation prior to having radiation therapy.

Examination: BP – 135/95, P -80, R -24, T-98.8F (oral)

  • Extraorally there is evidence of a surgical procedure in the right face and neck with a surgical scar present along the inferior border of the mandible and into the anterior triangle of the neck.  There is some tethering of the soft tissues of the neck with some limitation of neck motion on examination.
  • Intraorally there is evidence of a partial resection of the right tongue and floor of mouth and reconstruction with a soft tissue flap and allogenic skin replacement in the floor of the mouth. There is also evidence of a partial mandibular en-block resection with removal of several mandibular teeth and preservation of the inferior border of the mandible.  There is plaque and some calculus throughout the oral cavity with marginal gingival inflammation and type II-III periodontal disease.  There are several teeth with carious lesions, however, no teeth with gross decay.
  • There is evidence of poor oral hygiene and brown staining of the teeth.
  • Radiographic examination reveals findings similar to the clinical exam with two teeth exhibiting periapical radiolucency. There is moderate generalized bone loss.  The patient is presently wearing maxillary and mandibular partial dentures.

[Case Abstracted from Syllabus in Courseworks for first year dental students at Columbia, 2004]


  1. What is the pathophysiology of oral cancer?
  2. Are there any recommendations for oral cancer screening?
  3. What is the staging system for oral cancer? How does that play a role in prognosis?
  4. What are the dental treatment considerations for patients having head and neck radiation therapy?

Click HERE to see some examples of ways in which you can use Library Resources to find answers to the questions above.