Windows/PC Excel Versions

We have developed a number of graphing tutorials for use on Windows/PC Excel 2016 and older versions of Excel (see at bottom of page).  If you are a university student and you do not have the most current version of Microsoft Excel, contact your university.  Universities often provide students a copy of Microsoft Office (and Excel) for free.

The instruction is based on research headed by Bryan Tyner (link, link).

You can click on the links below to access the instructional videos:

ABAB Reversal Design Graph

Alternating Treatments Design Graph

Multiple Baseline Design Graph

Multiple Probe Design Graphs (with bars)

Stacked Bars Graph

Combo Bars and Lines Graph (2 separate y-axes)

If you have an older version of Excel for a PC, we can still help you:

Reversal Design (Excel 2007 or 2010)

Reversal Design (Excel 2013)

Multiple Baseline (Excel 2007 or 2010)

Multiple Baseline (Excel 2013)

Alternating Treatments/Multielement (Excel 2007 or 2010)

Alternating Treatments/Multielement (Excel 2013)

*2007/2010 versions were created by Bryan Tyner.  2013 versions were created by Mindy Ziegler.